Shaoul Past Fellows & Lecturers

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Efraim Benmelech

Harold L. Stuart Professor of Finance; Director, Guthrie Center for Real Estate Research, Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, Illinois, USA.

Prof. Amir Erez, Nirit and Michael Shaoul Fellow 2018/2019, is the W. A. McGriff III Professor of Management at the Warrington College of Business Administration, University of Florida. He earned his Ph.D. and M. S. at the Industrial and Labor Relations School at Cornell University. He attended the Hebrew University of Jerusalem where he earned his B. A. in Business Administration and Philosophy and an M. A. in Philosophy.


Prof. Erez's research focuses on how positive moods and positive personality, influence individuals thought processes, motivation, and work behaviors. He also investigates how negative work behaviors such as rudeness and disrespect affect individuals’ performance and cognition. Prof. Erez has published over 30 journal articles in top-tier scholarly journals including Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Learning and Education, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Pediatrics, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Management, Personality and Individual Differences, Human Performance, and Journal of Organizational Behavior.


Prof. Erez's journal articles have been cited over 10,000 times according to Google Scholar (and over 4,000 times according to Web of Science). Additionally, his research has been featured numerous times in a wide range of media outlets including the BBC, the New York Times, Forbes, and the Wall Street Journal.


Prof. Erez also served on the editorial boards of the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of Business and Psychology, Human Resource Management, and Motivation and Emotion.

Adele Berlin

Jewish Studies, University of Maryland, USA,

Prof. Adele Berlin, Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2015/2016, is the Robert H. Smith Professor of Biblical Studies Emerita at the University of Maryland. Her main interests are biblical narrative and poetry, and the ancient and modern interpretation of the Bible. Best known among her works is The Jewish Study Bible (Oxford University Press, 2004; revised edition, 2014), co-edited with Marc Brettler. Berlin also served as Editor-in-Chief of the revised edition of The Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion. She has written seven books and over 50 articles. She is currently at work on a commentary on Psalms.

Professor Berlin is a Fellow of the American Academy for Jewish Research and past President of the Society of Biblical Literature. At Maryland, Professor Berlin served as Director of the Joseph and Rebecca Meyerhoff Center for Jewish Studies, as Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs, and as Chair of the University Senate. In 2015 she received an honorary degree, Doctor of Humane Letters, from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion.

Michael Berry

Melville Wills Professor of Physics (Emeritus), Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Physics, University of Bristol UK

Prof. Sir Michael Victor Berry, Nirit and Michael Shaoul Fellow 2016-2017, is the Melville Wills Professor of Physics (Emeritus). He received his BSc in physics from the University of Exeter and his PhD from the University of St. Andrews. Since then, he has spent his whole career at the University of Bristol: Research Fellow (1965–1967); Lecturer (1967–1974); Reader (1974–1979); Professor of Physics (1978–1988); Royal Society Research Professor (1988–2006); Melville Wills Professor of Physics (2006 –). From 1970 he has also been teaching and lecturing in numerous Universities around the world.


During his career Prof. Berry's received many Awards and Honors, among the latest are J.E. Moyal Medal, Macquarie University (2016); Leverhulme Emeritus Fellow (2015-2017); Lorentz Medal, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (2015); Richtmyer Memorial Lecture Award, American Association of Physics Teachers (2014); Distinguished Visiting Professor, Marymount University, Virginia (2012); Leverhulme Emeritus Fellow (2012-2014); Elected first Honorary Member of the Mexican Mathematical Society (2010); Leverhulme Emeritus Fellow (2008-2010); Chancellor’s Medal, University of Bristol (2005); Polya Prize, London Mathematical Society (2005); Elected to Royal Society of Edinburgh (2005); Novartis/Daily Telegraph ‘Visions of Science’ competition, 1st prize (Science as Art), 3rd prize (Science Concepts) (2002); Onsager Medal (Norwegian Technical University, Trondheim) (2001); Ig Nobel prize in physics (2000); Wolf Prize in Physics (1998).


Some of Prof. Berry's recent and current areas of interest are Quantum mechanics, chaos and the primes (with Jon Keating); Quantum chaology for systems with mixed chaology (with Jon Keating and Henning Schomerus); Spin-statistics connection, e.g. Pauli principle (with Jonathan Robbins); Singularities of bright light (caustics); Singularities of faint light (‘Optical vorticulture’); Asymptotics and relations between theories; Nonhermitian operators; Extreme coherence; Superoscillations. He has consistently published work on these topics and been asked to give numerous presentations on his research.

Philip Bond
Norman J. Metcalfe Endowed Professor in Finance Foster School of Business, University of  Washington, U.S.A,

Prof. Philip Bond Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2015/2016, is the Norman J. Metcalfe Endowed Professor in Finance in the Foster School of Business at the University of Washington. He is a native of the United Kingdom. Professor Bond received his BA in Mathematics from Oxford University, and his PhD in Economics from the University of Chicago. He held previous faculty positions in the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University (1999-2003), the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania (2003-2010), and the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota (2010-2013).


Professor Bond is a leading financial theorist as well as an economic theorist. His main research interest is the role of contracts and asymmetric information in financial markets.  He has published in all three major finance journals (Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial Economics), as well as top economic journals such as the Review of Economic Studies and The Journal of Economic Theory. He is an incoming co-editor of the Journal of Finance.

Gilad Chen

Department of Management and Organization, University of Maryland, USA.

Prof. Gilad Chen, Nirit and Michael Shaoul Fellow 2019/2020, is a professor at the Department of Management & Organization, and is the Robert H. Smith Chair in Organizational Behavior, at the Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, USA. He is an elected Fellow of the American Psychological Association, the Association for Psychological Science, International Association of Applied Psychology, Society of Industrial-Organizational Psychology and Society of Organizational Behavior.


Prof. Chen has won several research awards, including the 2007 Distinguished Early Career Contributions Award from the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, the 2008 Cummings Scholar Award from the Organizational Behavior Division of the Academy of Management, and the 2014 Distinguished Scholar-Teacher Award from the University of Maryland.


Prof. Chen received his bachelor degree in Psychology from the Pennsylvania State University in 1996 and his doctoral degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from George Mason University in 2001. Prior to joining the Smith School, he was member of the faculty at the Georgia Institute of Technology and Texas A&M University. He had also visited and taught at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Singapore Management University, Technion, and Tel-Aviv University.


Prof. Chen’s research has appeared in journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Harvard Business Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Personnel Psychology, Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes, and Research in Organizational Behavior. He is now serving as the Editor of the Journal of Applied Psychology (2014-2020), after serving as Associate Editor for the journal from 2008 through 2013. He has also been serving as an editorial board member of the Academy of Management Journal and the Academy of Management Review.


Prof. Chen teaches courses on a variety of organizational behavior, human resource management, and methodological topics. His research focuses on work motivation, adaptation, teams and leadership, with particular interest in understanding the complex interface between individuals and the socio-technical organizational context.

Guglielmo Cinque

Department of Linguistic and Cultural Studies, Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, Italy,

Prof. Guglielmo Cinque, Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2015/2016, was educated in Venice and at the University of Padua, where he graduated in History of the Italian Language in 1971. He also obtained an MA in Linguistics from the University of California at Berkeley. From 1975 he teaches at the University of Venice, first as Associate Professor and then as Full Professor from 1981. He has been Chair of the Department of Linguistics (1986/87 - 1996/97 – 2003/08), Director of the Language Center (1989-1995), and Dean of the School of Foreign Languages and Literatures (1999 /2002). He has also held visiting positions at the Universität Wien (1985/86), Université de Genève (1988/89), Harvard University (1998), University of California at Los Angeles (2003), at the Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris (2008), and the University of Brussels (2011) and at New York University (2014).

His research interests are: syntactic theory, Romance linguistics, linguistic typology.

He is been "Associate Editor" of Linguistic Inquiry, M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Mass. (from 1978 to 2008) and of Journal of Linguistics, Cambridge University Press (from 1994 to 2008); and is currently member of the "Editorial Boards" of The Linguistic Review, Foris, Dordrecht (from 1981), Studia Linguistica, Blackwell, Oxford (from 1993), Linguistic Typology (from 2010), and of the series Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, Springer (from 1987), Linguistik Aktuell, Benjamins (from 1988), and Oxford Surveys in Syntax and Morphology, Oxford University Press (from 2005).

He is the author of the following books:

Types of A'‑Dependencies. Cambridge (Mass.): MIT Press, 1990

Italian Syntax and Universal Grammar. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995

Adverbs and Functional Heads. A Cross-linguistic Perspective. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999

Restructuring and Functional Heads. The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, vol.4. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006

The Syntax of Adjectives. A Comparative Study. Cambridge (Mass.): MIT Press, 2010

Typological Studies. Word Order and Relative Clauses. London: Routledge, 2013. (born 1948).

Joseph Coresh
Departments of Epidemiology, Medicine, and Biostatistics, Bloomberg School of Public Health, and School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, USA,

Prof. Joseph Coresh, Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2015/2016, received an M.D., Ph.D. in epidemiology and Masters in biostatistics at the Johns Hopkins University in 1992 following his bachelor degree in mathematics from Princeton University. He is the George W. Comstock Professor of Epidemiology, Medicine and Biostatistics at The Johns Hopkins University where is Director of the Cardiovascular Epidemiology Training Program and the George W. Comstock Center for Public Health Research and Prevention. He has been directing the cardiovascular epidemiology program at The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health since 1997 and has fostered strong collaborations with faculty in biostatistics, medicine (e.g. cardiology, neurology, nephrology, and rheumatology), genetics and physiology. Dr. Coresh was honored in 2010 by the National Kidney Foundation with the Garabed Eknoyan Award for contributions to kidney disease and American Heart Association awarded him the Epidemiology and Prevention Mentoring Award.   

His contributions include leading investigations on the prevalence and consequences of chronic kidney disease, which have been instrumental in national and international clinical practice guidelines related the definition and staging of chronic kidney disease.  Dr. Coresh leads the Chronic Kidney Disease Prognosis Consortium (CKD-PC) of over 50 cohorts including over 2 Million participants which using a highly collaborative model has produced very highly influential publications since its inception in 2009 (Lancet and JAMA papers informing clinical practice guidelines and recently an NKF-FDA conference on surrogate outcomes for CKD in clinical trials).

Dr. Coresh has led the Washington County field center of the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study since 2002.  The ARIC cohort follows 15,792 individuals for cardiovascular and other common health outcomes since 1986-1988.  During his tenure, the Washington County ARIC field center exceeded recruitment goals with excellent quality control in all visits (70% response at 25-year follow-up ARIC visit 5 with ~93% response rate to calls). He helped welcome dozens of junior investigators to the ARIC study and mentored multiple NIH funded ancillary studies (K and R01 grants) with an increasing focus on aging.

Dr. Coresh is PI of the ARIC Neurocognitive Study (ARIC-NCS) to examine vascular, potentially preventable, risk factors for dementia.  He is vice-chair of the study’s steering committee and plays a leadership role in its innovative and large analysis workgroup along with Drs. Bandeen-Roche, Sharrett and Gottesman.

He has co-authored over 500 publications cited over 55,000 times ( His investigations have included examination of genetic and molecular markers for cardiovascular and kidney disease as well as collaborations on development and application of innovative statistical and epidemiologic methodology. 

Alain Dagher

Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, Canada,

Prof. Alain Dagher, Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2015/2016, is a neurologist specializing in movement disorders and functional brain imaging at the McGill University, Canada. He received his B.Eng (1983) and M.Eng (1985) in Electrical Engineering from McGill University. He then completed his MD (1989) at University of Toronto, followed by a residency in neurology at Cornell University Medical Center in New York (1991-1992), and at McGill University (1992-94). He did a postdoctoral fellowship at the Hammersmith Hospital and National Hospital for Nervous Diseases, London (1995-96), where he trained in movement disorders and functional brain imaging. He returned to the Montreal Neurological Institute in 1997.

His work has been reported in more than 120 publications which were cited over 10,000 times (h-index 51). His research projects have applications to Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia, drug addiction and obesity, and to gaining an understanding of normal brain function. His current researches are supported by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research, Alzheimer's Association and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.

Almost all of his work uses functional brain imaging methods in human subjects – the two main techniques used are positron emission tomography (PET) targeting the dopamine system, and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). He has also made contributions to basic imaging methodology, most notably in developing a PET technique that allows the measurement of dopamine release in vivo in the human brain.

Nathaniel Daw

Princeton Neuroscience Institute and Department of Psychology, Princeton University, New Jersey, USA.

Prof. Nathaniel Daw, Nirit and Michael Shaoul Fellow 2018/2019, is Professor in the Princeton Neuroscience Institute and the Department of Psychology, Princeton University. He received his Ph.D. in computer science from Carnegie Mellon University and at the Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition, before conducting postdoctoral research at the Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit at University College London (UCL).


Prof. Daw's research concerns computational approaches to reinforcement learning and decision making, and particularly the application of computational models in the laboratory, to the design of experiments and the analysis of behavioral and neural data. In more detail, his lab studies how people and animals learn from trial and error (and from rewards and punishments) to make decisions, combining computational, neural, and behavioral perspectives. The focus is on understanding how subjects cope with computationally demanding decision situations, such as choice under uncertainty or in tasks (such as spatial navigation or games like chess) requiring many decisions to be made sequentially.


Current projects at Prof. Daw's lab include investigating how the brain controls its own decision-making computations -- in effect, making higher-level decisions about issues like how long to deliberate or when to simply act -- and how these processes might be implicated in issues of self-control and in psychiatric disorders involving compulsion.


Prof. Daw is the recipient of a McKnight Scholar Award, a NARSAD Young Investigator Award, a Scholar Award in Understanding Human Cognition from the MacDonnell Foundation, and the Young Investigator Award from the Society for Neuroeconomics.

Stanislas Dehaene

Inserm-CEA Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit CEA/SAC/DSV/DRM/NeuroSpin, GIF/YVETTE, France,

Prof. Stanislas Dehaene, Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2016/2017, holds the Chair of Experimental Cognitive Psychology at the Collége de France, Paris. He directs the INSERM-CEA Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit at NeuroSpin in Saclay, south of Paris -- France's advanced neuroimaging research center. His research investigates the neural bases of human cognitive functions such as reading, calculation and language, with a particular interest for the differences between conscious and non-conscious processing. His main research findings include the discovery of automatic links between numbers and space, and of the role of the intraparietal sulcus in number sense, the operation of the ''visual word form area'', a left occipito-temporal region which acquires the visual component of reading and the identification of physiological responses unique to conscious processing, supporting the theory of a ''global neuronal workspace'' for consciousness.


The prestigious awards that Prof. Dehaene has accumulated during his career are numerous; among the latest are APA Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award (2015), Thomas Reuters Highly Cited Researcher (2014), Prix LIRE, best science book of 2014 for Le Code de la Conscience (French version of Consciousness and the brain) (2014), The Grete Lundbeck Brain Prize (with G. Rizzolatti and T. Robbins) (€ 1 million) (2014), Mind & Brain Prize (University of Turin) (2014), Grand Prix INSERM (2013), and Prize of the Fondation Roger de Spoelberch (2013).


Prof. Dehaene is Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy; Member of the American Philosophical Society; Honorary Professor at East China Normal University (Shanghai), and Foreign associate of the National Academy of Sciences USA, to name just a few. On April 2016 he received the prestigious ERC advanced grant.


Prof. Dehaene is the author of four books, three television documentaries, and 300 scientific publications in journals such as Science, Nature, Nature Neuroscience, and PNAS. 40 of his articles were cited more than 500 times. His books are a huge success and were translated into multiple languages. (b. 1965)

Amir Erez

Department of Management, Warrington College of Business Administration, University of Florida, USA.

Prof. Amir Erez, Nirit and Michael Shaoul Fellow 2018/2019, is the W. A. McGriff III Professor of Management at the Warrington College of Business Administration, University of Florida. He earned his Ph.D. and M. S. at the Industrial and Labor Relations School at Cornell University. He attended the Hebrew University of Jerusalem where he earned his B. A. in Business Administration and Philosophy and an M. A. in Philosophy.


Prof. Erez's research focuses on how positive moods and positive personality, influence individuals thought processes, motivation, and work behaviors. He also investigates how negative work behaviors such as rudeness and disrespect affect individuals’ performance and cognition. Prof. Erez has published over 30 journal articles in top-tier scholarly journals including Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Learning and Education, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Pediatrics, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Management, Personality and Individual Differences, Human Performance, and Journal of Organizational Behavior.


Prof. Erez's journal articles have been cited over 10,000 times according to Google Scholar (and over 4,000 times according to Web of Science). Additionally, his research has been featured numerous times in a wide range of media outlets including the BBC, the New York Times, Forbes, and the Wall Street Journal.


Prof. Erez also served on the editorial boards of the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of Business and Psychology, Human Resource Management, and Motivation and Emotion.

Georg Fischer
Department of Biblical Studies and Historical Theology, the Leopold-Franzens-University in Innsbruck, Austria.

Prof. Georg Fischer SJ, Nirit and Michael Shaoul Fellow 2019/2020, is a Professor in the Department of Biblical Studies and Historical Theology at the Leopold-Franzens-University in Innsbruck, Austria. Since 1995, he holds the Chair of Old Testament Biblical Sciences and Ancient Oriental Languages at the Faculty of Theology there.
Prof. Fischer was born in Feldkirch (Austria) in 1954 and joined the Society of Jesus in 1972. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1981. During the course of his “tertianship” (special training of reflection and prayer) he has taught in several Asian countries including the Philippines, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka and India.
Prof. Fischer has studied Philosophy in Munich, Theology in Innsbruck and specialized in Bible at the Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome (1981–1987), where he earned his Doctorate after successfully completing his dissertation on Exodus 3–4. Later on he continued with his Habilitation (comparable to a post-doctoral degree qualifying for getting tenure at a university) on Jer 30–31, the “booklet / scroll of consolation”, which was accepted in 1993 by the University of Graz and proved to become the source of a new understanding of the Book of Jeremiah.
Prof. Fischer has written, edited and co-edited over 20 books and monographs and over 100 book chapters and articles, the most important ones being the commentaries on Jeremiah and Genesis 1–11 in the Herder series. Another fascinating area of interest of Prof. Fischer is methodology, which has led to the book Wege in die Bibel (together with Boris Repschinski and Andreas Vonach: four editions since 2000). He is an invited lecturer in various European universities, and in particularly he has given a course in Jerusalem. He is an invited speaker at international conferences, member of editorial boards and evaluation committees as well as supervisor and evaluator of master and doctoral theses.
Prof. Fischer’s main research interests are Torah and Nebi’im, biblical theology, Genesis and prophecy, especially Jeremiah. In his spare time, he enjoys praying, climbing, ski, biking and playing the violoncello.
Danny Fox

Anshen-Chomsky Professor of Language and Thought, Department of Linguistics  and Philosophy, MIT, Massachusetts, USA.

Prof. Danny Fox, Nirit and Michael Shaoul Fellow 2019/2020 is a Anshen-Chomsky Professor in Language & Thought at the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, MIT. His work focuses on the linguistic foundations of logical reasoning (both syntax and semantics) and on the principles of human interaction that are relevant for explaining the contribution of a linguistic expression to thought and communications (pragmatics).


Prof. Fox received his Ph.D. from MIT in 1998, was a Junior Fellow at the Harvard Society of Fellows from 1999 to 2001, and has since been a faculty member at MIT. Between 2011 and 2014 he held a position at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem during which he helped build the Language, Logic & Cognition center.


Prof. Fox is the recipient of the Michael Bruno Memorial award (2011). He is the author of the book “Economy and Semantic Interpretation (Linguistic Inquiry Monographs)”, MIT Press. He has given numerous talks and published over 30 articles and papers in the Syntax, Semantics Pragmatics and related fields.

Javier Garcia de Abajo

ICREA Research Professor at ICFO The Institute of Photonic Sciences, Barcelona, Spain,

Prof. F. J. García de Abajo, Nirit and Michael Shaoul Fellow 2016/2017, is ICREA Research Professor at Institut de Ciències Fotòniques (ICFO). He obtained his Ph.D. in condensed matter theory from the University of the Basque Country (Spain) in 1993. After spending three years in Berkeley National Lab, he became staff scientist at CSIC (Spain) and he was promoted to Research Professor in 2008. He is currently leading the Nanophotonics Theory group at ICFO. He has worked in atomic collisions, surface science, electron microscope spectroscopies, plasmonics, and theoretical nanophotonics. He has coauthored over 300 articles, which have been cited 17,000+ times with an h factor of 66 (Nov. 2016 WoK data). He is a Fellow of both the American Physical Society and the Optical Society of America.



Prof. Abajo's research program on the theory of nanoscale photonics ranges from optical characterization with electron-microscope spectroscopies to studies of ultrasensitive single-molecule detection, quantum aspects of light-matter interaction, excitation and characterization of plasmons by electron beams, plasmonic metamaterials, quantum friction, radiative transfer and coherent control, and graphene plasmonics. These topics cover a broad spectrum of research in nanophotonics. This theoretical effort encompasses classical and quantum methods, both analytical and numerical, which are the basis to understanding and proposing new phenomena with application to biosensing and quantum plasmonics.


Leonid Glazman

Donner Professor of Physics & Applied Physics,Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA,


Prof. Leonid Glazman, Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2016/2017, is Donner Professor of Physics and Professor of Applied Physics at Yale University. A graduate of Kharkov State University (Ukraine), Prof. Glazman earned his Ph.D. from the Institute of Low Temperature Physics and Engineering at the Ukraine Academy of Sciences. He began his career as a researcher at the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Moscow. In 1990, he joined the faculty at the University of Minnesota as an associate professor of physics and member of the W.I. Fine Theoretical Physics Institute, and after a succession of appointments was designated the McKnight Presidential Chair of Physics. Prof. Glazman also served a two year term there as Director of the Theoretical Physics Institute. He joined the Yale faculty in 2007 as professor of physics and applied physics, and has been a member of the Yale Quantum Institute since 2014.


Prof. Glazman has contributed hundreds of research articles and reviews to professional journals. In 2000, the National Science Foundation honored him with its Creativity Award. His other honors include the Humboldt Research Award for Senior U.S. Scientists, an appointment as chair of Excellence of the Nanosciences Foundation (Grenoble, France), and a Leverhulme Trust Fellowship (United Kingdom). He has been a Scrödinger visiting professor at the Pauli Center at ETH-Zuerich, Switzerland, and a Distinguished visiting professor at Lancaster University, United Kingdom. He is a fellow of the American Physical Society and a member of the Aspen Center for Physics.


Prof. Glazman focuses his research on the physics of mesoscopic solids. Physics on the mesoscopic scale encompasses systems larger than single atoms but small enough so that their properties, due to the quantum mechanics effects, are different from those of larger chunks of matter. Mesoscopic physics is a part of condensed matter physics and of a broader interdisciplinary area of nanoscience; its advances are essential in sustaining progress in modern information technologies, including the quest for quantum information processing.

Douglas Green

Chair, Immunology Department; Co-Leader, Cancer Biology Program; Peter C. Doherty Endowed Chair of Immunology, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Tennessee, USA.

Dr. Douglas Green, Nirit and Michael Shaoul Fellow 2018/2019, is the Peter C. Doherty Endowed Chair, Department of Immunology and a co-director of the Cancer Center Program, Cancer Cell Biology, at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee.


Dr. Green has actively pursued research in cell death and immunology for several decades. He received his Ph.D. in Biology/Immunology from Yale University, where he continued his career as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Research Associate (1981-1985), followed by positions at the University of Alberta (1985-1990). In 1990, he moved to the La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology where he served as Head of the Division of Cellular Immunology (1990-2005) and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Biology, University of California, San Diego (UCSD) (1994-2005).


Dr. Green is one of the world leaders in the study of mechanisms of cell death and survival, biological processes relevant to development, immunity and health, which is involved in numerous diseases including neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. His current research focuses on the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis, the function of the Bcl-2 family proteins, the regulation of programmed necrosis by caspases, the process of autophagy and its role in engulfment of dying cells, and metabolic reprogramming of activated T lymphocytes.


In addition, Dr. Green has made significant contributions to the understanding of the function of cytosolic p53, roles for cell death and its control in cancer, development, and the immune system, and tools for the study of cell death. The broader importance of these discoveries set the stage for understanding how innate immune cell death contributes to inflammatory disease and potentially undermines tissue transplantation, regenerative medicine and tissue regeneration.  His interests range from biochemical mechanisms to whole organism biology, with special focus on cancer, development, and the immune system. Prof. Green's many investigations into the molecular mechanisms underlying the cell death process have gained him immense international reputation and admiration.


Dr. Green has received numerous Honors and Awards, among them are MERIT Award, NIGMS (2002) and NIAID (2017); International Cell Death Society Prize (2009); Einstein Professorship, China (2011); Honorary Ph.D., Univ. Tor Vergata, Rome (2016); Jurg Tschopp Prize for Cell Death Research (2017); ISI “highly cited” in Immunology and Molecular Biology, and Most Cited Scientists of All Time (Google Scholar, currently 121).


Dr. Green is a member of the American Association of Immunologists and the American Association for Cancer Research and has been a Keynote Lecturer in numerous international conferences.

Jarrad Harford

Michael G. Foster School of Business, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA,

Prof. Jarrad Harford, Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2014/2015, is the Paul Pigott - PACCAR Professor of Finance at the University of Washington’s Foster School of Business.

Prof. Harford from Pennsylvania State University with a B.S. in Finance and Economics and received his Ph.D. in Finance with a minor in Organizations and Markets from Rochester University. Before arriving at Washington at 2001 he taught at University of Oregon. Since 2013 he serves as Chair of the Department of Finance and Business Economics at Washington.

His primary research areas are mergers and acquisitions, corporate governance and payout policy. He has consistently published work on these topics in the top finance journals. He is a member of the American Finance Association and a director at the Financial Management Association and was involved in many Program Committees. He currently serves as a Managing Editor of the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis and as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Financial Economics, the Review of Financial Studies and the Journal of Corporate Finance.

Professor Harford has won numerous awards for his teaching, and in 2014, Pearson-Prentice Hall published the third edition of an undergraduate finance textbook co-authored by him.


Christine Hayes

Chair of the Department  of Religious Studies, Yale University, Connecticut USA,

Prof. Christine Hayes, Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2015/2016, is the Weis Professor of Religious Studies in Classical Judaica at Yale University. A specialist in Talmudic-Midrashic studies, her published works include three scholarly books – Between the Babylonian and Palestinian Talmuds (Oxford University Press, 1997; winner of a Salo Baron prize), Gentile Impurities and Jewish Identities: Intermarriage and Conversion from the Bible to the Talmud (Oxford University Press, 2002; National Jewish Book Award finalist), and most recently What’s Divine about Divine Law? Early Perspectives (Princeton University Press, 2015; winner of the 2015 National Jewish Book award in Scholarship and the 2016 PROSE award in Theology and Religious Studies from the American Publishers Association).  This most recent book untangles the conflicting classical and biblical roots of the Western idea of divine law and shows how early adherents to biblical tradition, including the Talmudic rabbis, struggled to make sense of this dual legacy.

Professor Hayes has authored two introductory volumes – The Emergence of Judaism (2010) and Introduction to the Bible (2012), as well as numerous articles in peer reviewed journals and scholarly anthologies. She is also editing several volumes, including Judaism and Law (forthcoming, Cambridge University Press).  Professor Hayes is active in professional and academic organizations, is an elected member of the American Academy for Jewish Research, serves as co-editor of the Association for Jewish Studies Review and is the Association for Jewish Studies’ Vice-President for Program.

Stephen Holmes

 Walter E. Meyer Professor of Law at NYU, School of Law, USA

Prof. Stephen Holmes, Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2014/2015, is Walter E. Meyer Professor of Law at NYU School of Law. He previously taught at Harvard, Princeton, and the University of Chicago. 


Prof. Holmes received his Ph.D. from Yale University in 1976. His fields of specialization include the history of liberalism, the disappointments of democratization after communism, and the difficulty of combating terrorism within the limits of liberal constitutionalism.


He is the author of Benjamin Constant and the Making of Modern Liberalism (1984), The Anatomy of Antiliberalism (1993), Passions and Constraint: On the Theory of Liberal Democracy (1995), and The Matador’s Cape: America’s Reckless Response to Terror (2007). He is co-author (with Cass Sunstein) of The Cost of Rights: Why Liberty Depends on Taxes (1999). 


Prof. Holmes received numerous fellowships and academic honors since he graduated from Denison University with B.A. Summa cum Laude. He is also a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences since 1992, and a member of the New York Council on Foreign Relations since 1998.


Mei Hong

Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA,

Prof. Mei Hong, Nirit and Michael Shaoul Fellow 2017/2018, is Professor of Chemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She received her B.A. in 1992 from Mount Holyoke College and her Ph.D. in 1996 from the University of California at Berkeley. Following a one-year stint as an NIH postdoctoral fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, she became a research professor at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. In 1999, she joined the faculty at Iowa State University, where in 2007 she was awarded the first John D. Corbett Professorship.
Prof. Hong's research focuses on the development and applications of solid-state NMR spectroscopy for elucidating the structure and dynamics of membrane proteins and other biological molecules and complexes such as plant cell walls and amyloid fibrils.
In 2016 Prof. Hong was elected Fellow of International Society of Magnetic Resonance (ISMAR) and the Edmond de Rothschild lecturer, Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique, Paris. Among her other Awards and Honors are Günther Laukien Prize, Experimental NMR Conference (2014); Protein Society Irving Sigal Young Investigator Award (2012); Founders Medal, International Council on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems (2010); Agnes Fay Morgan Research Award, Iota Sigma Pi (2006); Mary Lyon Award, Mount Holyoke College (2004); and Pure Chemistry Award, American Chemical Society (2004). Prof. Hong also served on the organizing committees of a number of NMR meetings
Matthew Jackson

Department of Economics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA,

Prof. Matthew O. Jackson, Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2017/2018, is the William D. Eberle Professor of Economics at Stanford University and an external faculty member of the Santa Fe Institute and a senior fellow of CIFAR.  He was at Northwestern University and Caltech before joining Stanford, and received his BA from Princeton University and PhD from Stanford.

Prof. Jackson's research interests include game theory, microeconomic theory, and the study of social and economic networks, on which he has published many articles and the book Social and Economic Networks.  He also teaches an online course on networks and co-teaches two others on game theory.  Jackson is a Member of the National Academy of Sciences, a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences,  a Fellow of the Econometric Society, and an Economic Theory Fellow, and his other honors include the von Neumann Award, a Guggenheim Fellowship, the Social Choice and Welfare Prize, the B.E.Press Arrow Prize for Senior Economists, and teaching awards.  He has served as co-editor of Games and Economic Behavior, the Review of Economic Design, and Econometrica.

Subhash Khot

Silver Professor, Computer Science Department, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences,NYU University, USA.

Prof. Subhash Khot, Nirit and Michael Shaoul Fellow 2019/2020, is a Silver Professor of Computer Science in the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University.  Prof. Khot received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Princeton University. He held Assistant Professor position at the Georgia Institute of Technology and Visiting Professor position at the University of Chicago (2011-2013). Since 2011, he is a Full Professor at NYU.


Prof. Khot has been awarded many important prizes and honors, including twice the Best Paper Award at FOCS (2003,2018), Fellowship of the Royal Society (2017), Fellowship of the MacArthur Foundation (2016), the Simons Investigator Award (2015), the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the Indian Institute of Technology (2015), the President’s Gold Medal at the Indian Science Congress (2015), the Rolf Nevanlinna Prize at the International Congress of Mathematicians -ICM, (2014), the Young Alumnus Achiever Award from the Indian Institute of Technology (2011) and the National Science Foundation’s Alan T. Waterman Award (2010).


Prof. Khot has published numerous articles in scientific journals and conferences, such as the Journal of ACM, the SIAM Journal on Computing, the Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, the Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, and the Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity.


Prof. Khot’s main research interest is theoretical computer science with a special emphasis on the computational complexity theory. His research includes probabilistically checkable proof systems (PCPs), the hardness of approximation results, analysis of Boolean functions, and their connections to geometry.

Robert Korajczyk
Department of Finance, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, Illinois, USA,

Prof. Robert Korajczyk, Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2015/2016, is a member of the Kellogg School faculty since 1982, Robert A. Korajczyk is the Harry G. Guthmann Professor of Finance. At Kellogg, Korajczyk has previously served as Senior Associate Dean: Curriculum and Teaching, Chair of the Department of Finance, Director of the Zell Center for Risk Research, and co-director of the Financial Institutions and Markets Research Center.


Professor Korajczyk’s research interests are in the areas of investments and empirical asset pricing. He is a recipient of the 2009 Crowell Prize for best paper in the field of quantitative asset management, awarded by PanAgora Asset Management; the Alumni Choice Faculty Award 2000; the Core Teaching Award 1998 and 2000; the Sidney J. Levy Teaching Award 1996; the New York Stock Exchange Award for Best Paper on Equity Trading, presented at the 1993 Western Finance Association annual meetings; and the Review of Financial Studies Best Paper Award, 1991.

Professor Korajczyk is a past editor of the Review of Financial Studies and a past associate editor of the Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, Journal of Empirical Finance, and the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.

Hannes Lichte
Institute of Structure Physics, Triebenberg Laboratory, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany,

Prof. Hannes Lichte, Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2015/2016, is a world expert in the electron holography and Head of the famous Triebenberg Laboratory in Dresden. His Fields of research and teaching are Experimental electron wave optics, i.e. electron interferometry and holography as well as atomic resolution electron microscopy (TEM).


Prof. Lichte received his BA from the University of Tübingen, as well as his PhD, prepared under supervision of Prof. Gottfried Möllenstedt. He also taught at the University of Tübingen for several years (1989-1994), before arriving to Dresden University, where he conceived and established the Triebenberg Laboratory for Highest Resolution Electron Microscopy and Holography (1994-2016). He served as President of the DGE (German Society of Electron Microscopy) (2004-2005) and was a Member of the Board of the International Federation of the Societies for Microscopy (2002-2006).


Prof. Lichte has received many honors and awards, including Helmholtz Prize of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Braunschweig (the German NBS) (1979), Carus Medal of the German Academy of Natural Researchers and Physicians “Leopoldina” (1986), Prize for Promotion of Science in Europe awarded by the Körber Foundation, Hamburg; together with Profs. Herrmann, Lenz and Möllenstedt (1987), Ernst Ruska Prize awarded from the German Society of Electron Microscopy (1989), Elected member of the Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher LEOPOLDINA, Halle (2002), International Francqui Chair, Antwerp, from Francqui Fondation, Bruxelles, Belgium (2002), Distinguished Scientist Award for Physical Sciences by the Microscopy Society of America (MSA), jointly with appointment as

Fellow and Honorary Member of MSA (2011), Honorary Member of the German Society for Electron Microscopy (DGE) (2012). (b.1944)

Karl Linden
Professor of Environmental, Engineering University of Colorado, Boulder, USA,

Prof. Karl G. Linden, Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2015/2016, is a Professor of Environmental Engineering and the Mortenson Professor in Sustainable Development at the University of Colorado Boulder, USA. He has a BS from Cornell University in Agricultural and Biological Engineering and an MS and PhD from University of California at Davis in Environmental Engineering.  He teaches classes on UV Processes in Environmental Systems, Sustainable Water Reuse, and Water Sanitation and Hygiene. 


Prof. Linden’s research has investigated novel water and wastewater treatment systems, including advanced and innovative UV systems; the efficacy of UV and ozone disinfection for inactivation of pathogens; and the use of UV and advanced oxidation processes for the degradation of organic and other emerging contaminants in water and wastewater.  


Prof. Linden is an associate editor of Journal of the American Water Works Association, serves as Trustee of the Water Science and Research Division of the AWWA, and is 2013-2016 President of the International Ultraviolet Association (IUVA).  He was named a 2013-2014 Fellow of the Australian Water Recycling Centre of Excellence, received the 2013 Pioneer Award in Disinfection and Public Health from the Water Environment Federation and was the WateReuse Association’s 2014 WateReuse Person of the Year.  Professor Linden Co-Directs the Mortenson Center in Engineering for Developing Communities at CU Boulder. 

Nino Luraghi

David Magie Professor of Classics, Director of Program in the Ancient World, Princeton University,  NJ USA, nluraghi@Princeton.EDU


Prof. Nino Luraghi, Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2016/2017. Born and trained in Italy, for the last ten years he has been teaching Ancient History and Classics at Princeton University – since 2009 as the Magie Professor of Classics, and Director of the Interdepartmental Program in the Ancient World. After receiving his PhD from the University of Venice in 1994, he held research and teaching positions at the universities of Parma, Italy, and Freiburg, Germany. From 1999 to 2003 he was an assistant professor of classics at Harvard University, then for three semesters an associate professor of ancient history at the University of Toronto, and finally, from 2005 until he moved to Princeton, a professor of classics at Harvard University.


Prof. Luraghi's specialty is the history of the ancient Greeks, from the Iron Age to the Roman Empire. He has written a book and several articles about Tyranny in Archaic Greece, focusing both on its political and cultural aspects. His book The Ancient Messenians (2008) follows the development of notions of ethnicity and historical memory in Messenia from the archaic period to the second century CE. Greek historiography, especially of the fifth and fourth centuries BCE, is another field of interest, to which he has devoted a dozen or so articles, with a special focus on the relation between historiography and more broadly held notions and ideas about the past of the Greeks.

Semion Lyandres

Department of History, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA,

Prof. Semion Lyandres, Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2017/2018, received his Ph.D. in Russian/Modern European History from Stanford University in 1992. He is Professor of History at the University of Notre Dame, where he has taught modern Russian and European history since 2001. He is also Faculty Fellow at the Kellogg Institute for International Studies and Nanovic Institute for European Studies. He was Visiting Professor at Universität Bielefeld in spring 2012

Prof. Lyandres is a joint founding editor of the Journal of Modern Russian History and Historiography, and is the founder and North American editor of the international series Modern and Contemporary Russian History: Monographs and Documents. His publications include: The Bolshevik's German Gold Revisited: An Inquiry into the 1917 Accusations(Pittsburg, 1995); (with A.V. Smolin) The Memoirs of Alexander Guchkov, President of the State Duma and a Minister of War in the Provisional Government (Moscow, 1993); (with Dietmar Wulff) A Chronicle of the Civil War in Siberia and Exile in China: The Diaries of Petr Vasil'evich Vologodskii, 1918-1925 (Stanford, 2002), in 2 volumes, and most recently, The Fall of Tsarism: Untold Stories of the February 1917 Revolution (Oxford University Press, 2013; revised paperback edition, 2014)

Prof. Lyandres has held major grants and fellowships from the German-American Academic Council Foundation, John M. Olin Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, Stanford’s Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, and the Earhart Foundation. He has published articles and essays in The Slavic Review, Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History, The Soviet and Post-Soviet Review, Russian History, Berliner Jahrbuch für osteuropaische Geschichte, The Journal of Modern Russian History and Historiography, Voprosy istorii, and Rossiiskaia istoriia

Prof. Lyandres' current research examines the ways in which pre-revolutionary ideas about a transitional post-monarchical regime and plans to depose Russia’s last monarch shaped the politics of the February Revolution and led to the creation of the Russian Provisional Government.

John Ma

Department of Classics, Columbia University, New York, USA.


Prof. John Ma, Nirit and Michael Shaoul Fellow 2018/2019, Professor at the Department of Classics, Columbia University, was born in New York in 1968, of Chinese parents, but grew up in Switzerland, where he grew interested in Classical antiquity and started studying the languages, the history and archaeology. In Oxford, he pursued further work, undergraduate and graduate, in the "Classics", with intervals in Paris and in Hamburg to develop his knowledge of Greek epigraphy, the study of ancient Greek inscriptions on stone.


This sort of material provided the main source for Prof. John Ma's doctoral thesis, under the supervision of Prof. Fergus Millar, which had studied the Hellenistic period - the complex, dynamic period of competing powers and exchanges in the Eastern Mediterranean after the death of Alexander the Great. The thesis was devoted to a small slice of Hellenistic history - the relations, over two decades or so, between a big power - the Seleukid empire under Antiochos III "The Great"  and small powers, the many cities of Western Asia Minor, which were recently reconquered and became subjects of the empire. The lesson concluded from this research was that the big power sought legitimacy by expressing its power in local discourses -- which the small, local powers tried to manipulate to their advantage.


In his book “Antiochos III and the Cities of Western Asia Minor” Prof. Ma had studied further the Hellenistic history - notably the relationships between the Jews and the descendants of Antiochos III. He had also explored further the theme of the political culture of the Greek city-state, in a monograph on honorific statues, and in a forthcoming synthesis he will address the polis from 650 BCE to 400 CE.


Prof. Ma has taught ancient history, (Greek, Roman, ancient Near-east) at Princeton, Oxford, Columbia, with visiting appointments at Paris and Jerusalem.

Ann Majchrzak

Department of Data Sciences and Operations, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California,

Prof. Ann Majchrzak, Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2015/2016, is the Associates of USC Chair of Business Administration for the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California.  She is a Professor of Digital Innovation in the Department of Data Sciences and Operations.  She is a Senior Scholar and Fellow of the Association for Information Systems, awarded for “making an outstanding contribution to the I.S. discipline in research, teaching, and service”. In 2015, she received a lifetime service award from the Organizational Communication and Information Systems Division of the Academy of Management.  She has been a member of 3 National Research Council Committees.  She is the longest running Senior Editor for Organization Science, and has held editing positions with MIS Quarterly.  She publishes in top academic (Management Science, Organization Science, Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly) as well as top practitioner journals (Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review, California Management Review).  She has held concurrent appointments as a research mentor and visiting professor at Esade Business School, Ramon Llull University, Barcelona; LUISS University, Rome Department of Business and Management in the areas of Innovation and Organization, and Stevens Institute of Technology. She is also an external expert for the Information Systems and Innovation Group, Department of Management at the London School of Economics.



Christopher McKee

Physics Department, University of California, Berkeley, California, USA,

Prof. Christopher F. McKee, Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2014/2015, is Professor Emeritus of Astronomy and Physics at the University of California, Berkeley. He received his AB degree from Harvard and his Ph.D. in physics from UC Berkeley. After a year as a postdoctoral fellow at Caltech and several years as an assistant professor of Astronomy at Harvard, he joined the Physics and Astronomy departments at UC Berkeley, where he has been since 1974. 

Professor McKee has received a number of honors for his work: He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and of the American Physical Society and a Guggenheim Fellow. At Tel Aviv University he has been the Sackler Fellow, a guest lecturer at the Emilio Segre Distinguished Lectures in Physics of the Raymond and Beverly Sackler Foundation and the Bahcall Lecturer. He has also been the Sackler Lecturer at Harvard and at the University of Toronto, and the Antoinette de Vaucouleurs Medalist and Lecturer at the University of Texas. With Joseph Taylor, he co-chaired the decadal survey in astronomy and astrophysics in 2000 under the auspices of the National Research Council. At UC Berkeley, he served as founding Director of the Theoretical Astrophysics Center, Director of the Space Sciences Laboratory, Chair of the Physics Department, and Interim Dean of Mathematical and Physical Sciences. He serves as an Interim Vice Chancellor for Research since April 2015.

Professor McKee has carried out theoretical investigations of a wide variety of astrophysical phenomena, ranging from the interstellar medium of the Galaxy to quasars and cosmic gamma-ray bursts. His current research focuses on the formation of stars: How do low mass stars like the Sun form? How do the massive stars that create most of the heavy elements form? What determines the rate of star formation in galaxies? How did the first stars form?


Bernhard Mehlig

Department of Physics, University of Gothenburg, Sweden,

Prof. Bernhard Mehlig, Nirit and Michael Shaoul Fellow 2016/2017, is Professor of Complex Systems at the Department of Physics of the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. He studied Physics and Mathematics at the Universities of Heidelberg (Germany) and Cambridge (England), and earned his Ph.D. from the University of Stuttgart in 1994 under the supervision of Peter Fulde at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research. In 2001 he joined the faculty at the University of Gothenburg, and since 2002 he is a full professor there.

In 2015, Prof. Mehlig was elected member of the Royal Society of Arts and Sciences in Gothenburg.  In 2010 he received the Göran Gustafsson Prize in Physics for his work in Statistical Physics awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. For his Ph.D. thesis, Ground state and excitation spectrum of the Hubbard model, he was awarded an Otto Hahn medal by the Max Planck Society.

Prof. Mehlig has written more than a hundred research articles in peer reviewed scientific journals on a wide range of subjects in Theoretical Physics, ranging from Condensed-Matter Physics and Quantum Chaos to Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics.

At the moment, Prof. Mehlig focuses his research on the dynamics of particles suspended in fluid flows. Most recently, he and his collaborators have developed statistical models for turbulent aerosols, suspensions of heavy particles in turbulent flows. The aim is to understand spatial patterns and the collision dynamics of such particles. 

Gerald Miller

Physics Department, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA,

Prof. Gerald A. Miller, Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2017/2018, is professor at the Department of Physics, University of Washington. He received his Ph.D. in Physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1972, following three years as a Research Physicist at Carnegie-Mellon University. Since 1975 he has risen through the academic ranks at the University of Washington. During that time he served on the Jefferson Laboratory Program Advisory Committee (2000-2003), where he also was a Visiting Theorist (2004, 2010). He was a Visiting Theorist also at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (2004, 2011), Brookhaven National Laboratory (2004), ECT, Trento Italy (2003), CSSM, Adelaide Australia (2003, 2010-2011) and Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (1997). He also worked at TRIUMF (1988-189), University of Illinois (1989), CERN, Geneva Switzerland (1982-1983), Los Alamos National Laboratory (1979-1982, 1986).

Prof. Miller was also a member of the Div. Nuclear Phys. Executive Committee (2010-2012), Chair of the Committee to Establish H. Feshbach Prize of APS (2011-2013), Member of White Paper Committee for the JLab 12 GeV Upgrade (2012),  Member APS Fellowship Committee (2015-2016) and External Reviewer for Physics Graduate Program, Fla. Int. U. (2015).

Prof. Miller has been elected a Fellow of the APS and the AAAS. In 2008 the editors of the APS journals chose him as one of the inaugural group of Outstanding Referees. He has published over 290 papers in refereed journals, and has over 10,000 QSPIRES citations, h=53, and over 13,000 citations, h =60, on Google Scholar.  During the years 2011-2013 he organized and led the drive to establish the Herman Feshbach Prize for work in Theoretical Nuclear Physics.

Edward Mocarski

Department of Microbiology & Immunology Emory Vaccine Center Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia, USA,

Prof. Edward S. Mocarski, Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2014/2015, is the Robert W. Woodruff Professor of Microbiology and Immunology at Emory University.


Prof. Mocarski received his Ph.D. from the University of Iowa and conducted his postdoctoral study at The University of Chicago. He started his career at Stanford University in 1983 where he served as Chairman of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology and Associate Dean for Research, before becoming Professor Emeritus in 2006.


Prof. Mocarski’s research has focused on the biology, pathogenesis and latency of cytomegalovirus (CMV), an opportunistic herpesvirus of significant medical impotence; in particular, on integrating biochemical, molecular, cellular and intact animal approaches to investigate the biological properties of this virus and its close relatives. He has made key contributions to the identification of replication functions, latent reservoir in myelomonocytic progenitors, immunomodulatory functions, and cellular response to viral infection. Recent studies of CMV-encoded inhibitors of cell death brought to light novel programmed cell death pathways that play out in mammals. These alternative pathways effectively eliminate pathogens that encode suppressors of apoptosis. He has also discovered that mammalian cell death machinery may become dysregulated to cause developmental failure as well as inflammatory disease. 


Prof. Mocarski's research has been instrumental in bringing new understanding of cell autonomous host defense mechanisms, particularly the alternate programmed cell death pathway called necroptosis. He is an internationally recognized leader with broad understanding of herpesviruses and host control mechanisms. He was selected as a Georgia Cancer Coalition Senior Scholar (2006 – 2011) and as a Fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology (2012), among other honors. He also serves on the editorial boards of Virology, Journal of Biological Chemistry, PLoS Pathogens and Journal of Virology. He has organized major conferences dealing with viral immune modulation. He is the author and coauthor of more than 180 peer-reviewed articles; other publications include review articles and book chapters; and he is coauthor and editor of the major textbook, Human Herpesviruses: Biology, Therapy and Immunoprophylaxis (Cambridge Press, 2007), as well as the lead author on the Fields Virology chapter on Cytomegaloviuses (Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, 2013). Most recently, he was selected to receive an NIH Directors Award to explore the benefits of eliminating cell death pathways in mammals, in 2015.

Burt Neuborne

Norman Dorsen Professor of Civil Liberties, Founding Legal Director, Brennan Center for Justice, New York University School of Law, NY USA

Prof. Burt Neuborne, Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2016/2017, is one of America’s foremost civil liberties lawyers, teachers, and scholars. He is the founding legal director of the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law. Neuborne has served as national legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union, special counsel to the National Organization for Women Legal Defense and Education Fund, and member of the New York City Human Rights Commission. He challenged the constitutionality of the Vietnam War, worked on the Pentagon Papers case, worked with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg when she headed the ACLU Women’s Rights Project, and anchored the ACLU’s legal program during the Reagan years.

At the Brennan Center, he has concentrated on campaign finance reform and efforts to reform the democratic process. In recent years, Neuborne has served as principal counsel in cases that have resulted in the payment of $7.5 billion to Holocaust victims. He has received the University-wide Distinguished Teaching Award and been elected to membership in the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Among his best-known scholarly works is the two-volume Political and Civil Rights in the United States, which he co-authored with NYU Law colleagues Norman Dorsen and Sylvia Law, and Paul Bender. In 1996, Neuborne appeared as Jerry Falwell’s lawyer in the Milos Forman movie The People vs. Larry Flynt. His most recent book is Madison’s Music: On Reading the First Amendment (The New Press, 2015).

Yael Niv

Princeton Neuroscience Institute & Department of Psychology, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA.

Prof. Yael Niv, Nirit and Michael Shaoul Fellow 2019/2020, is a Professor in the Department of Psychology and the Princeton Neuroscience Institute at Princeton University. She is also co-Director of the Rutgers-Princeton Center for Computational Cognitive Neuro-Psychiatry (CCNP). Additionally, Prof. Niv is a Member of the National Advisory Mental Health Council (NAMHC) and the BRAIN Initiative Multi-Council Working Group.

Prof. Niv received her MA in Psychobiology from Tel Aviv University and her PhD in Computational Neuroscience from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, having conducted a major part of her thesis research at the Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit in UCL. She completed her postdoctoral training at Princeton and shortly after became a faculty member there. During her time at Princeton, she received the Ellison Medical Foundation Scholar in Aging (2011-2015) and was an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow (2010-2012).

Prof. Niv received a number of awards including the National Academy of Sciences Troland Research Award (2015), the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (2012), the Max Schlomiuk award for outstanding PhD thesis (2008) and a Dan David Scholarship for PhD Graduate Students in the field of Brain Sciences (2004).

Prof. Niv organized a number of conferences and workshops and has written and co-written over 50 papers. Since 2015, she is a consulting editor for Psychological Review and member of the editorial board at Computational Psychiatry.

Prof. Niv’s research areas include the neural and computational processes underlying reinforcement learning and decision-making, the interaction between the cognitive processes of learning, attention and memory, and how these processes go awry in mental illness. Her work involves computational modeling of data from behavioral and neuroimaging experiments in humans, and (in collaboration with other labs) modeling of neural and behavioral data from experiments on rodents.

Kim Orth

W.W. Caruth, Jr. Scholar in Biomedical Research; Earl A. Forsythe Chair in Biomedical Science, Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Texas, USA.

Prof. Kim Orth, Nirit and Michael Shaoul Fellow 2018/2019, is an Investigator for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Professor in the Department of Molecular Biology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. She received her Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and continued her studies as a Postdoctoral Fellow (1994 - 2001) in the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Michigan. After being recruited back to the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, she was promoted from Assistant Professor (2001 - 2007) and Associate Professor (2007 - 2011) to Professor as a W.W. Caruth, Jr. Scholar in Biomedical Research with an Earl A. Forsythe Chair in Biomedical Science.


Prof. Orth's current research focuses on bacterial strategies for infection and survival, by figuring out exactly how pathogens manipulate host cells for their own benefit. Her team's work has uncovered unexpected mechanisms that bacteria use to survive and spread. Her research group has also helped discern normal signaling processes in host cells, including mechanisms that can be exploited to treat disease. These studies provide novel insight into the molecular workings of eukaryotic signal transduction and are accomplished by using a broad range of tools, including biochemistry, molecular microbiology, protein chemistry, structural biology, yeast genetics, cell biology and more.

Prof. Orth currently serves as an editorial board member for eLife. She has organized and chaired leadership and mentoring programs and has personally mentored many graduate students as well as post-doctorates and senior scientists. Prof. Orth has written numerous publications, book chapters and reviews is regularly invited to give presentations in academic institutions, and is a keynote speaker in many international conferences.


Among Prof. Orth's many Honors and Awards are Walther Cancer Institute, Dawson Research Fellowship (1998-2001); W.W. Caruth Jr. Scholar in Biomedical Research (2001-present); Arnold and Mabel Beckman Young Investigator Award (2003-2006); Burroughs Wellcome Investigator in Pathogenesis of Infectious Disease (2006-2013); Welch Foundation Norman Hackerman Award in Chemical Science (2010); TAMEST, Edith & Peter O’Donnell Award in Science (2011);  ASBMB Young Investigator Award (2012); Earl A. Forsythe Chair in Biomedical Science (2013-present): American Academy of Microbiology (2016); ASBMB Merck Award (2018).

Christos Papadimitriou​

The Donovan Family Professor of Computer Science, Columbia University, USA.

Christos Papadimitriou, Nirit and Michael Shaoul Fellow 2019/2020 is the Donovan Family Professor of Computer Science at Columbia University. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and the National Academy of Sciences. He was awarded doctorates honoris causa by 8 universities, most recently EPFL and Univ. de Paris Dauphine.


Prof. Papadimitriou earned his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and in Computer Science from Princeton University. Before joining Columbia University, he taught at UC Berkeley for 22 years at which he was nominated the C. Lester Hogan Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and before that he taught at Harvard, MIT, NTU Athens, Stanford, and the University of California at San Diego.


Among Prof. Papadimitriou’s awards and distinctions are Technion’s Harvey Prize (2018) IEEE von Neumann Medal (2016), the ETH platinum-gold price for education in CS (2016), the EATCS award (2015), the ACM-EATCS Gödel prize (2012), the Katayanagi Prize (2008), the Game Theory Society’s Game Theory and Computer Science Prize (2008), the IEEE Computer Society Charles Babbage Award (2004) and the Knuth Prize (2002). In addition, in 2013 the president of Greece named him Commander of the Order of the Phoenix.


Prof. Papadimitriou is the author of the five textbooks including Computational Complexity and Algorithms, and he has written three novels, including the graphic novel Logicomix and his latest Independence. In addition to the Theory of Computation, he has also contributed to biology and the theory of evolution, economics and game theory, artificial intelligence and robotics, networks and the Internet, and more recently to the study of the brain.

John Pendry

The Blackett Lab, Imperial College London, UK

Prof. Sir John Pendry, Nirit and Michael Shaoul Fellow 2016-2017, is a condensed matter theorist. He has worked at the Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College London, since 1981. He began his career in the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, followed by six years at the Daresbury Laboratory where he headed the theoretical group. He has worked extensively on electronic and structural properties of surfaces developing the theory of low energy diffraction and of electronic surface states. Another interest is transport in disordered systems where he produced a complete theory of the statistics of transport in one dimensional systems.


In 1992 he turned his attention to photonic materials and developed some of the first computer codes capable of handling these novel materials. This interest led to his present research, the subject of his lecture, which concerns the remarkable electromagnetic properties of materials where the normal response to electromagnetic fields is reversed leading to negative values for the refractive index. This innocent description hides a wealth of fascinating complications. In collaboration with scientists at The Marconi Company he designed a series of ‘metamaterials’ whose properties owed more to their micro-structure than to the constituent materials. These made accessible completely novel materials with properties not found in nature. Successively metamaterials with negative electrical permittivity, then with negative magnetic permeability were designed and constructed. These designs were subsequently the basis for the first material with a negative refractive index, a property predicted 40 years ago by a Russian scientist, but unrealised because of the absence of suitable materials. He went on to explore the surface excitations of the new negative materials and showed that these were part of the surface plasmon excitations familiar in metals. This project culminated in the proposal for a ‘perfect lens’ whose resolution is unlimited by wavelength. These concepts have stimulated further theoretical investigations and experiments by the Zhang group have confirmed the predicted properties. More recently, in collaboration with a team of scientists at Duke University, he has proposed a recipe for a cloak that can hide an arbitrary object from electromagnetic fields. A version of this design working at radar frequencies and exploiting the properties of metamaterials has now been implemented experimentally by the Duke team


The simplicity of the new concepts together with their radical consequences have caught the imagination of the world’s media generating much positive publicity for science in general.


Among Prof. Pendry's Prizes and Medals are: EU Descartes prize (2005), UNESCO-Niels Bohr gold medal (2009), Newton Medal of the Institute of Physics (2013), Kavli prize (2014), Dan David Prize (2016).  He is also a Fellow of the Royal Society, a Foreign Associate US National Academy of Sciences, and a Foreign Member Norwegian Academy of Sciences

Christian Robin

National Centre for Scientific Research, Paris, France,

Prof. Christian Robin, Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2015/2016, is President of the Africa and Arabia Committee for Archaeology, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (France), a member of Institut de France (Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres) and emeritus Directeur de recherche, classe exceptionnelle at CNRS, where he served as Documentalist, Researcher since 1970. His research interest is History of Arabia since ancient times to the early centuries of Islam.


He is a member of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres since 2005, and was honored to receive a Festschrift Sabaean Studies in the same year. He is Fellow of Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (Berlin) and ex-Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente (Rome) and received the decoration of the Légion d'honneur on 2008.


Prof. Robin is the founder and Director of the French Center of Research in Sanaa “Centre français d'Études yéménites” (Yemen, 1982-1986). He directed several more research institutions: Institut de Recherches et d’Etudes sur le Monde arabe et musulman (CNRS, Aix-Marseille , 1997-2000), Laboratoire des Études sémitiques anciennes (CNRS, Aix-Marseille I, II & III, 2001-2006), Orient & Méditerranée (CNRS, Paris IV, Paris I, EPHE and Collège de France 2006-2010), as well as Research Programs: Pre-Islamic Arabian Inscriptions (10th Century BC — 10th Century AD, INTAS, (Russian, British, French and Italian teams, 1994-1996), Incense Long Distance Trade, Pre-Islamic Inscriptions and Antiquities of Hadramawt, INTAS (Russian, French German and Italian teams, 2001-2004), De l’Antiquité à l’Islam, DATI, French Research Agency (ANR, 2005-2009), Coranica, French ANR and German DFG, 2011-2014 (CNRS-BBAW, 2011-2014). He also led and directed two Archaeological teams: the French archaeological Mission in Yemen (1978-2008), the French archaeological Mission in Najrân, Saudi Arabia (since 2006).

Lyndal Roper

Regius Professor of History, Oriel College, Oxford, United Kingdom

Prof. Lyndal Roper, Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2015/2016, is Fellow and Regius Professor of History at Oriel College, University of Oxford. She studied History with Philosophy at the University of Melbourne. In 1985 she was awarded a Ph.D. at King’s College, University of London. After stages at the University of London, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin and the Max Planck Institute for History in Göttingen she was a Reader in History at the Royal Holloway College, University of London. In 2002 she moved to Balliol College, University of Oxford. Since 2011 she has been the first female Regius Professor at Oriel College, University of Oxford.


Among Professor Roper's fellowships and awards are Gerda Henkel Prize (2016); British Academy Fellow (2011) ; British Academy Research Development Award (2010-11); Fellow Australian Academy of the Humanities (2007); Honorary Research Associate, Department of History University of Melbourne (2007-ongoing); Humboldt Fellow, Freie Universität Berlin (2005); Roland H. Bainton Prize for Witch Craze (2005); Leverhulme Research Fellowship (2000-01). From 2000-2012 she served as Joint Editor of Past & Present.  exceptionally


Prof. Roper reaserch field is German history of the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries. She has published on gender and the Reformation, witchcraft, and visual culture, and now she is working on the German reformer Martin Luther. She has been centrally interested in subjectivity and in physicality; that is, in how individuals in past societies organized and made sense of their experience. Throughout, she has written on religious history broadly defined, working both on the Reformation and on the persecution of witches; her work has been characterized by a concern with methodological and theoretical issues. June 2016 saw publication of her fifth Sole-authored book: Martin Luther: Renegade and Prophet, Bodley Head, 2016 (German: Fischer, 2016).

Donald Rubin

Department of Statistics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA,

Prof. Donald B. Rubin, Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2017/2018, is currently John L. Loeb Professor of Statistics, Harvard University, where he has been professor since 1983, and Department Chair for 13 of those years.  He has been elected to be a Fellow/Member/Honorary Member of: the Woodrow Wilson Society, Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, American Statistical Association, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, International Statistical Institute, American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, European Association of Methodology, the British Academy, and the U.S. National Academy of Sciences.

As of 2017, Prof. Rubin has authored/coauthored over 430 publications (including ten books), has four joint patents, and for many years has been one of the most highly cited authors in the world, with currently well over 230,000 citations and nearly 20,000 in 2017 alone (Google Scholar). Of his 25 publications with over 1,000 citations each, eight of them are solely authored by Rubin.

Prof. Rubin has received honorary doctorate degrees from Otto Friedrich University, Bamberg, Germany; the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; Universidad Santo Tomás, Bogotá, Colombia; Uppsala University, Sweden; and Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. He has also received honorary professorships from the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands; Shanghai Finance University, China; Nanjing University of Science & Technology, China; Xi’an University of Technology, China; and University of the Free State, Republic of South Africa.

David Ruderman

Department of Historym University of Pennsylvaniam, Philadelphia, PA, USA


Prof. David B. Ruderman, Nirit and Michael Shaoul Fellow 2016/2017, is the Joseph Meyerhoff Professor of Modern Jewish History and was the Ella Darivoff Director of the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of Pennsylvania [1994-2014]. Prior to coming to Pennsylvania, he taught at the University of Maryland [1974-83] and at Yale University [1983-94].


Professor Ruderman is the author of many books and articles including The World of a Renaissance Jew, 1981 (Winner of a JWB national Jewish book award in 198); Jewish Enlightenment in an English Key: Anglo-Jewry's Construction of Modern Jewish Thought, 2001, (Winner of the Koret Award for the best book in Jewish History in 2001); and Early Modern Jewry: A New Cultural History, 2010 (Winner of National Jewish Book Award in History, 2010). His latest book is A Best-Selling Hebrew Book of the Modern Era: The Book of the Covenant of Pinḥas Hurwitz and its Remarkable Legacy, 2014. Currently he is working on his new book: The Missionary Alexander McCaul and his Jewish Interlocutors: The Revival of the Jewish-Christian Debate in Nineteenth- Century Europe and a volume on early modern Jewish culture edited with Francesca Bregoli. He has written five additional books and also edited or co-edited five others and co-edited two popular text books.


Among his numerous awards and honors are Lifetime Achievement Award for Jewish Historical Studies, National Foundation for Jewish Culture [2001], Distinguished Humanist Award [2006] from the Jewish Studies Program, Ohio State University, Recipient of the Charles Ludwig Distinguished Teaching Award [2008], College of Arts and Sciences, University of Pennsylvania, Festschrift: Jewish Culture in Early Modern Europe: Essays in Honor of David B. Ruderman, (Pittsburgh, 2014), he was also the Elected President, American Academy for Jewish Research, [June 2000-June 2004], and was nominated by the Nominations Ct. of the American Historical  Association to run for president of the organization in 2015.


Professor Ruderman has been also Sackler Scholar at TAU 2005/2006, 2006/2007, 2007/2008

Lenya Ryzhik

Department of Mathematics, Stanford University, CA, USA.

Prof. Lenya Ryzhik, Nirit and Michael Shaoul Fellow 2022/2023, is a Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Stanford University, Stanford, USA. Prof. Ryzhik holds an equivalent of a B.S. in Mathematical Physics (1992) from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia, and a Ph.D. in Mathematics (1997) from Stanford University, Stanford, USA. Prof. Ryzhik serves on editorial boards of several first rate journals in pure and applied mathematics including Nonlinearity and Mathematische Zeitschrift. Additionally, he serves as a mentor of junior researchers, many of whom had been launched into promising careers. Prof. Ryzhik is the recipient of important fellowships and grants including the AFOSR NSSEFF fellowship (2010-2015), the Alfred P. Sloan Research fellowship (2002-2004), seven NSF grants and two ONR grants. Prof. Ryzhik’s research interests include applications of mathematical methods to physically interesting systems, applied analysis and partial differential equations, stochastic analysis: wave propagation in random medium and reaction-diffusion equations. He is considered a highly influential modern researcher.

John Schaubroeck

The Eli Broad Graduate School of Management and Department of Psychology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI USA

Prof. John M. Schaubroeck, Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2016/2017, is currently the John A. Hannah Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Management at Michigan State University and an External Academic Advisor for DBA Program, City University of Hong Kong, (2014-). Before arriving at Michigan State University he taught at the Bennett LeBow College of Business, Drexel University (1999-2008) where he also served as Trustee Chaired Professor in Leadership, (2005-2008), at the City University of Hong Kong (1997-1999) and at the University of Nebraska (1988-1999). He was also External Examiner for BBA-Management and BBA-Int’l Management & Japan Studies, City University of Hong Kong (2000-2002; 2003-2005; 2006-2008), Visiting Examiner for Integrated BBA in Management, Chinese University of Hong Kong (2001-2003; 2003-2005) and External Examiner for the BBA in Management, The University of Hong Kong (2003-2005; 2006-2008). He is former Associate Editor and Editor-in-Chief at Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (OBHDP) (2004- 2010).  

Prof. Schaubroeck won several awards: Best Leadership Paper, Ian O. Ihnatowycz Institute for Leadership, Ivey School of Business (with S. T. Hannah, B. Avolio, S. Kozlowski, R. G., Lord, L. Trevino, N. Dimotakis, & A. C. Peng) (2015), Best Paper, Asian Academy of Management (OB Division) With Wendong Li and Jia Lin Xie) (2015), Best Reviewer, Journal of Organizational Behavior (2014), Ulrich and Lake Award for Excellence in HRM Scholarship (with Avi Carmeli), (2006), Best paper, International Association of Chinese Management Research (Beijing) (with Simon Lam, David Tse, and Bennet Yim) (2004), and Outstanding Faculty Research Achievement Award, LeBow College of Business, Drexel University

His research interests relate primarily to leadership and employee well-being.

William Schwartz

Department of Neurology, University of Massachusetts Medical School ,USA,



Professor William J. Schwartz, Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2016/2017, is Professor of Neurology, U. Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester (1990-). He received his M.D. (1974) and neurology residency training (1978-1981) at the University of California, San Francisco, completed a research fellowship at the National Institute of Mental Health (1975-1978), and was on the faculties of Harvard Medical School and the Massachusetts General Hospital (1981-1986) before moving to the University of Massachusetts.


Prof. Schwartz has served as President, Society for Research on Biological Rhythms (2004-2006); Member, External Advisory Board, EUCLOCK Integrated Project of the European Commission (2005-2010); and Co-Associate Director, M.D. - Ph.D. Program, Univ. Massachusetts Med. Sch., Worcester (2009-2014). He held and still holds Editorial positions such as Member of the Editorial Board, then Associate Editor, Journal of Biological Rhythms (2000-2014); Member of the Editorial Board, Endocrinology (2008-2011); Guest Editor, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA (2010-2011); Academic Editor (member of Editorial Board), PLoS ONE (2012-2014); and Editor in Chief, Journal of Biological Rhythms (2014-). He is a member of the NIH/CSR Neuroendocrinology, Neuroimmunology, Rhythms and Sleep Study Section (2013-).


Visiting Professorships and honors have included the Boerhaave Professor at Leiden University Medical Centre (2005) and the Baerends Visiting Chair at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (2008), both in the Netherlands; the Hood Fellow at the University of Auckland (2012), in New Zealand; Visiting Fellow at the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience, Berlin, and Center for Advanced Studies, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, Munich, both in Germany (2014); Dean's Award for Outstanding Faculty Contribution to Graduate Education (2014); The 9th Pittendrigh/Aschoff Lecture, 14th Mtg. Soc. for Res. on Biological Rhythms, Big Sky, MT (2014); The 3rd Adrian R. Morrison Keynote Address, Center for Sleep & Circadian Neurobiology, Perelman School of Medicine, U. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA (2015); Visiting Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan (2015); and the Clark Way Harrison Visiting Professor in Biology, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO (2016).


Prof. Schwartz’s laboratory has been focused on the neural regulation of circadian rhythms in mammals (especially in rodents) for over 30 years, supported by the NIH since 1982, and encompassing a number of approaches (including metabolic, anatomical, electrophysiological, behavioral, molecular, genetic, and computational techniques). Most recently, they have begun work in some new chronobiological areas, including the social synchronization of behavioral and physiological rhythmicity.

Claus Schwechheimer

Department of Plant Systems Biology, Technische Universität München München, Germany,

Prof. Claus Schwechheimer, Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2014/2015, is Professor of Biology at Technische Universität München, Freising, Germany.


He had studied biology and biotechnology at the Universities of Heidelberg (Germany) and Strasbourg (France) before he moved to the John Innes Centre (Norwich, United Kingdom) where he received his Ph.D. degree from the University of East Anglia in 1998. After a three year postdoc at Yale University (New Havem CT, USA) he became an Independent Research Group leader at the Center for Plant Molecular Biology in Tübingen, Germany. Since 2008, he serves as the Chair for Plant Systems Biology at the Weihenstephan Campus of the Technische Universität München, Germany.


Prof. Schwechheimer has published 60 scholarly articles on signal transduction processes in plants related to the ubiquitin-proteasome system and the response and transport pathways of the plant hormones gibberellins and auxins. He has lectured in most countries of the world, Israel, USA, Japan, China and Australia.


Since 2011, Prof. Schwechheimer is the coordinator of the Collaborative Research Center SFB924 "Molecular mechanisms regulating yield and yield stability in plants" which was renewed in 2015 for another four years.


Jeffrey Segal

Chair, Department of Political Science Stony Brook University Stony, Brook, NY, USA,

Prof. Jeffrey Segal, Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2014/2015, is SUNY Distinguished Professor at Stony Brook University and chair of the Department of Political Science.

Prof. Segal received his Ph.D. from Michigan State University in 1983. For 2011-12 he was Senior Visiting Research Scholar at Princeton University. He also held a Guggenheim Fellowship for 2011-12. Segal is best known, with Harold Spaeth, as the leading proponent of the attitudinal model of Supreme Court decision making.

Prof. Segal has twice won the Wadsworth Award for a book (The Supreme Court and the Attitudinal Model, 1993, Cambridge University Press, with Harold Spaeth) or article (“Predicting Supreme Court Cases Probabilistically: The Search and Seizure Cases, 1962-1981, 1984) 10 years or older with lasting influence on law and courts. His work on the influence of precedent (Majority Rule or Minority Will, Cambridge University Press, 1999, with Harold Spaeth) won the C. Herman Pritchett Award for best book on law and courts.  His work on the influence of strategic factors on Supreme Court decision making won the Franklin Burdette Award from APSA. With Lee Epstein, Kevin Quinn and Andrew Martin he won Green Bag’s award for exemplary legal writing. He has also won an award sponsored by the American Bar Association for innovative teaching and instructional methods and materials in law and courts.


Nava Setter

Director, the Ceramics Laboratory, EPFL - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland,

Prof. Nava Setter, Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2017/2018, completed MSc in Civil Engineering in the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology (1976) and PhD in Solid State Science in the Pennsylvania State University (1980). After post-doctoral work at the universities of Oxford and Geneva, she joined R&D institute in Haifa where she became the head of the Electronic Ceramics Lab (1988). She has been the director of the Ceramics Laboratory and professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the EPFL - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne since 1989. She has served as Head of the Materials Department and more recently served as the Director of the Doctoral School for Materials. Her research interests are focused on electroceramic ferroelectrics and piezoelectrics, in particular the effects of interfaces, finite-size and domain-wall phenomena, as well as structure-property relations and the pursuit of new applications.

Prof. Setter has published over 500 scientific and technical papers. She is a Fellow of the Swiss Academy of Technical Sciences, the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), and the World Academy of Ceramics. Her research has been recognized by the European Union by the award of an ERC Advanced Investigator Grant complemented by a Proof of Concept grant. Among the awards she received are the Swiss-Korea Research Award, the Japanese FMA Award, the ISIF outstanding achievement award, the Ferroelectrics-IEEE recognition award, IEEE-UFFC Achievement Award, the Robert S. Sosman Award Lecture (American Ceramics Society), and the American Vacuum Society Recognition for Excellence in Leadership.

Jerome Silbergeld

P.Y. & Kinmay W. Tang Professor of Chinese Art History, Department of Art & Archaeology, Princeton University, New Jersey, USA.

Prof. Jerome Silbergeld, Nirit and Michael Shaoul Fellow 2018/2019,  is the P. Y. and Kinmay W. Tang Professor of Chinese Art History, Emeritus, at Princeton University and emeritus director of Princeton’s Tang Center for East Asian Art. He has been the chair of Art History and director of the School of Art at the University of Washington/Seattle and chair of Art and Archaeology at Princeton. He has also been on the faculty at Harvard and the University of Oregon.


Prof. Silbergeld is the author of more than 100 publications and has curated 10 museum exhibitions on the subjects of traditional and contemporary Chinese painting, traditional Chinese architecture and gardens, and Chinese cinema and photography. His publications and courses have dealt with such topics as art in times of political upheaval and conditions of intense censorship, the aesthetics of old age, perceptions and misperceptions of historical change in Chinese art, "bad" art and the articulation of the negative, the curious relationship between architecture and paintings of architecture, regional diversity in Chinese gardens, the horse in Chinese culture, the role of music in Chinese film, and cinema's relationship to the premodern arts of China.


Among Prof. Silbergeld's book publications, authored and edited, are: Chinese Painting Style; Chinese Painting Colors; Contradictions: Artistic Life, the Socialist State, and the Chinese Painter Li Huasheng; China Into Film; Hitchcock With a Chinese Face; Bridges to Heaven: Essays on East Asian Art in Honor of Professor Wen C. Fong; The Family Model in Chinese Art and Culture; ARTiculations: Undefining Chinese Contemporary Art; and The Zoomorphic Imagination in Chinese Art and Culture.

Brian Stock

Professor of History and Comparative literature, Senior Research Associate, Victoria College, University of Toronto, Canada,

Prof. Brian Stock, Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2015/2016, is a dual citizen of Canada and France.  He is a graduate of Harvard University (A.B., summa cum laude, 1962) and the University of Cambridge (Ph.d., 1967).  In 1967 he was elected a junior fellow of the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto, and in 1971 a senior fellow (corresponding to full professorship in the School of Graduate Studies, University of Toronto).  After 1991 his appointment was changed to distinguished professor of history and literature and Senior Research Associate, Victoria College, University of Toronto. He was conférencier at the Collège de France in 1987 and elected to the chaire internationale in 1996.  He has been university professor in several institutions:  University of California (1985), Dartmouth College (1991), and Central European University, Budapest (2001-).  He was Sather Professor of Classical Literature in the University of California, Berkeley, in 2001. 


Among his publications are The Implications of Literacy (1981) and Augustine the Reader (1996). Among more recent books are Bibliothèques intérieures (Genoble, 2005), and Ethics through Literature, published in English and French in 2008. In 2007 he was awarded the prestigious International Feltrinelli Prize of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome. 

Caroline Waerzeggers

Chair, Assyriology Department, Leiden Universityת Netherlands.

Prof. Caroline Waerzeggers, Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2017/2018, is professor and Chair of Assyriology in Leiden University Institute for Area Studies (LIAS) (2016). She received her Ph.D. (2001), summa cum laude, from the Department of Ancient Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, University of Ghent, Belgium. After post-doctoral work at the universities of Ghent and Vienna, she taught Ancient Near Eastern History at University College London (2010-12) and at VU University Amsterdam (2006-2010). She joined Leiden University in 2012.


Prof. Waerzeggers' research focuses on the history of Mesopotamia in the first millennium BC. This was the time of Sargon, Nebuchadnezzar, Cyrus, and Alexander the Great – a time of great political transformations in the Near East. She is particularly interested in the emergence of the Persian Empire and the reactions that this process triggered among subject populations. The large and mostly untapped corpus of cuneiform clay tablets from Babylonia offers a unique opportunity to study this process from a novel perspective. In 2016, she was awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant for her research on the Persian Empire (2017-2021).


Among Prof. Waerzeggers' previous awards are an ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grant (2009-2015) and an FWF Austria Research Grant (2005-2006) for her work on Babylonian temple religion and priesthood, both in indigenous and in comparative perspective. She has published two monographs and over 40 journal articles and chapters in collective volumes.

Gennifer Weisenfeld

Dean of the Humanities, Department of Art History and Visual Studies, Duke University, North Carolina,

Prof. Gennifer Weisenfeld, Nirit and Michael Shaoul Fellow 2018/2019, Professor in the Department of Art, Art History, and Visual Studies and Dean of the Humanities at Duke University, received her Ph.D. from Princeton University. Her field of research is modern and contemporary Japanese art history, design, and visual culture.


Prof. Weisenfeld's first book Mavo: Japanese Artists and the Avant-Garde, 1905-1931 (University of California Press, 2002) addresses the relationship between high art and mass culture in the aesthetic politics of the avant-garde in 1920s Japan. Her most recent book Imaging Disaster: Tokyo and the Visual Culture of Japan’s Great Earthquake of 1923 (University of California Press, 2012, Japanese edition Seidosha, 2014) examines how visual culture has mediated the historical understanding of Japan’s worst national disaster of the twentieth century.


Prof. Weisenfeld is the guest editor of the special issue Visual Cultures of Japanese Imperialism of the journal positions: east asia cultures critique (Winter 2000) that includes her essay, “Touring ‘Japan as Museum’: NIPPON and Other Japanese Imperialist Travelogues.” She has also written extensively on the history of Japanese design, such as, “‘From Baby’s First Bath’: Kaō Soap and Modern Japanese Commercial Design” (The Art Bulletin, September 2004) and the core essay on MIT’s award-winning website Visualizing Cultures on the Shiseido company’s advertising design.


Prof. Weisenfeld is currently working on two new book projects, one titled The Fine Art of Persuasion: Corporate Advertising Design, Nation, and Empire in Modern Japan, and the other, Protect the Skies! Visualizing Civil Air Defense in Wartime Japan.

Thomas Witten

Department of Physics, James Franck Institute, University of Chicago, USA,

Prof. Thomas A. Witten, Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2015/2016, is in the Department of Physics, the James Franck Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois since 1989. He received a PhD in physics in 1971 from the University of California, San Diego. After postdoctoral fellowships at Princeton University and at Saclay, France, he joined the physics faculty at University of Michigan. He left Michigan in 1982 to join the Corporate Research lab of the Exxon Corporation. He is the winner of the Polymer Physics Prize of the American Physical Society in 2002, was named the Lorentz Prof. in Leiden University in 2010 and was Sackler Scholar in 2012/2013.


Prof. Witten is co-author with Phillip A. Pincus of the book, Structured Fluids: Polymers, Colloids, Surfactants, Oxford University Press 2004, 2010. Prof. Witten studies statistically structured forms of matter, such as diblock copolymer domain patterns, colloidal aggregates, and crumpled membranes. Witten is the co-discoverer of diffusion-limited aggregation (1981) and a co-inventor of the statistical theory of the polymer brush (1988). He is a co-discoverer of the stretching ridge in confined elastic sheets. (b. 1944)

Shoshana Wodak
Structural Biology Research Center,  Flemish Institute of Biotechnology,  Free University of Brussels, Belgium,

Prof. Shoshana J. Wodak, Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2015/2016, obtained her Ph.D. from Columbia University, NY, USA. She was Professor at the Free University of Brussels, Belgium for over 20 years, where she founded and co-directed the Centre for Structural Biology and Bioinformatics and headed a Master’s program in Bioinformatics. During the years 1995-2002 she was also Group Leader at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) CAMBRIDGE UK, and has been a member of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) since 1990.  She served as the Scientific Director of the Centre for Computational Biology at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto Canada from 2004-2011. She held a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics from 2005-2012.  Since 2004, she has been Professor in the Departments of Biochemistry and of Molecular Genetics, in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto. She is currently also a visiting Group Leader at the Vlaamse Institute for Biotechnology (VIB), in Brussels Belgium.

Prof.  Wodak   pioneered   docking   algorithms   for   the   prediction   of   protein-protein interactions. She developed one of the first procedures for defining structural domains from the atomic coordinates of proteins, and wrote a number of key papers on the role of local interactions in stabilizing the native state of proteins, protein structure prediction, protein folding, and fold recognition. More recently, Prof. Wodak and her team have developed efficient procedures for automatic protein design, for simulating protein interactions and conformational changes, and for analyzing protein interactions networks and cellular pathways. Since 2001 she has served on the management committee of CAPRI (Critical Assessment of Predicted Interactions), a community-wide international initiative for fostering the development of methods and algorithms for the prediction of protein interactions and complexes, and is now coordinating this effort.

Prof. Wodak has been a member of numerous expert panels in Europe, US and Canada and is on the Editorial Boards of several journals in her field. Her Career Total Publications: H_index= 53 on a total of 238 papers listed in the Web of Knowledge.

Robert Zatorre

Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, Co-director, International Laboratory, for Brain, Music and Sound Research (BRAMS), Canada,


Prof. Robert J. Zatorre, Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2015/2016, is a cognitive neuroscientist at the Montreal Neurological Institute of McGill University. He obtained his Ph.D. in experimental psychology at Brown University in 1981 under the late Peter Eimas and subsequently carried out postdoctoral research at the MNI with Brenda Milner. His principal interests relate to the neural substrate for auditory cognition, with special emphasis on two complex and characteristically human abilities: speech and music. He and his collaborators have published over 250 scientific papers on a variety of topics including pitch perception, musical imagery, absolute pitch, music and emotion, perception of auditory space, and brain plasticity in the blind and the deaf.


In 2005 he was named holder of a James McGill chair in Neuroscience. In 2006 he became the founding co-director (together with Isabelle Peretz) of the international laboratory for Brain, Music, and Sound research (BRAMS), a unique multi-university consortium with state-of-the art facilities dedicated to auditory cognitive neuroscience, funded via a $13.8M award from the Canada Fund for Innovation. In 2011 he was awarded the IPSEN foundation prize in neuronal plasticity, and in 2013 he won the Knowles prize in hearing research from Northwestern University. He lives in Montreal with his wife and collaborator Virginia Penhune, professor of psychology at Concordia University. He tries to keep up his baroque repertoire on the organ whenever he can get a chance.

Stephen Fienberg

Maurice Falk University Professor, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Prof. Stephen E. Fienberg, Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2014/2015, is Maurice Falk University Professor of Statistics and Social Science at Carnegie Mellon University, and co-director of the Living Analytics Research Centre (jointly operated by Carnegie Mellon and Singapore Management University), with appointments in the Department of Statistics, the Machine Learning Department, the Heinz College, and Cylab.  He joined the faculty of Carnegie Mellon in 1980.  He received his Ph.D. in Statistics from Harvard University in 1968, and has taught at the University of Chicago, the University of Minnesota, and York University, where he served as Vice President Academic.


Fienberg is Editor-in-Chief of the Annals of Applied Statistics, co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of the online Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality, and founding Editor of the Annual Review of Statistics and its Applications.   He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Academy of Political and Social Science, and the Royal Society of Canada. 


Fienberg’s research includes the development of statistical methods, especially tools for the analysis of categorical data, networks, privacy protection (from both likelihood and Bayesian perspectives), the history of statistics, statistics and the law and methodology for census taking and surveys. His work on confidentiality and privacy protection views them as statistical problems and focuses on the tradeoff between data protection and data utility. He is the author or editor of over 20 books and 500 papers and related publications (1942-2016ׁ).

Rudolf Podgornik

Department of physics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia,

Prof. Rudolf Podgornik (1955-2024),  Nirit and Michael Shaoul fellow 2016/2017, is professor of Physics (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics) and of Biophysics (Medical Faculty) at the University of Ljubljana and the head of the research program Biophysics of polymers, membranes, gels, colloids and cells, financially supported by the Slovene Agency for Research and Development. Since 2011 he is also adjunct professor at the Physics Department, University of Massachusetts, Amherst and since 2013 an adjunct professor at the Materials Science & Engineering Department at the Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland. He was a Senior Staff Member at the Jozef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana (1990-1992), and until 2010 he was an adjunct researcher at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland.


His field of research is soft matter, the physics of coulomb fluids, macromolecular interactions and in particular the Lifshitz theory of dispersion interaction, the physics of membranes, polymers and polyelectrolytes and especially the physics of DNA.


Prof. Podgornik won the Kidric national award for scientific accomplishments (Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1991), the DCRT/NIH Director's award for recognition and appreciation of special achievement (NIH, USA, 1995) and the  Zois national award for excellence in scientific research – the highest award for scientific achievement in Slovenia, which can be obtained only once in a lifetime (1999).


His research was supported by the EU Sixth Framework Programme research grant, Slovenian-Israeli Research Cooperation Grant with D. Harries from Hebrew University, the Slovene research agency and the Leverhulme Trust and by the Long Range van der Waals - London Dispersion Interactions For Biomolecular and Inorganic Nanoscale Assembly.


Prof. Podgornik published more than two hundred refereed papers which were cited over 4,300 times – H-index=37 (WOS Oct 2015), and over 5,100 citations – H-index=42 (Google scholar Oct 2015). He is the co-author of two Textbooks in Slovene: Elektromagnetno polje, (Matematika - fzika, 51). Ljubljana: DMFA - založništvo, 2012. (Electromagnetic feld) and Rešene naloge iz mehanike kontinuov, (Zbirka izbranih poglavij iz fzike, 35). Ljubljana: DMFA - založništvo, 2001(Solved exercises in continuum mechanics). And he is also the co-editor of two books: Electrostatic effects in soft matter and biophysics: proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Les Houches, France, 1-13 October 2000 and of Electrostatics of soft and disordered matter. Singapore: Pan Stanford, 2014.

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