IAS Outstanding Junior Fellows Nominations

Call for nominations - IAS Oustanding Junior Fellows


Guidelines for submitting candidates in the framework of
​The IAS Oustanding Junior Fellows 


There are several IAS frameworks for bringing visitors to the university, and the "IAS Outstanding Junior Fellows" is reserved for exceptional young scientists in all academic disciplines. Those remarkable fellows who have already made very substantial top-level contributions to research in their respective fields, clearly indicating that they are on their way to becoming world leaders.


Nominations of IAS Outstanding Junior Fellows are usually made by the Faculties. Faculty members are welcome to initiate such nominations; however, the nomination should be done with a reference from the Dean of the Faculty. The nomination file should include a nomination letter, a detailed Curriculum Vitae of the candidate that clearly describes the nominee's achievements, a list of publications and a supporting letter by the Dean. These nominations are brought to the Institute Steering Committee in its annual meeting during January each year. Final decisions are usually expected by the end of January.

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