About IAS Fulbright-TAU Senior Scholars

updated: 08.04.2024

Visitor for the Academic Year 2023/2024

Name Institution Period of Visit Host

Prof. Diana Berman

Materials Science and Engineering
Nanostructured Materials and Tribological
Interfaces Laboratory
University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, USA

Phone: +1 (940) 891-6778
Email: Diana.Berman@unt.edu

March 15 -
May 28,

Host: Prof. Michael Urbakh
School of Chemistry

Email:  urbakh@tauex.tau.ac.il
Phone: +972-3-6408324


Prof. Siegfried Glenzer

Division Director for High Energy Density Science
Professor for Photon Science
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Menlo Park, California. USA
Professor for Mechanical Engineering
(by courtesy)
Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA

Phone: +1 (650) 926-3511
Email: glenzer@SLAC.Stanford.EDU

April 15 -
July 15,

Host: Dr. Ishay Pomerantz
School of Physics and Astronomy

Email: ipom@tauex.tau.ac.il
Phone: +972-3-6407845

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