About Lowy Distinguished Guest Professors


Visitors for the Academic Year 2024/2025

Name Institution Period of Visit Host

Prof. Eitan Tadmor

Distinguished University Professor
Department of Mathematics
Institute for Physical Science and Technology
University of Maryland
College Park, MD, USA

Phone: +1 (301) 405 0648
Email: tadmor@umd.edu

January 1-30,

Host: Prof. Yaron Ostrover
Department of Theoretical Mathematics
School of Mathematical Sciences

Phone: +972-3-6408033
Email: ostrover@tauex.tau.ac.il

Prof. Dr. Reinhard Genzel

Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics 2020

Director of the Infrared Group
Max-Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics
Garching, Germany

Phone: +49 89 30000 3280
Email: genzel@mpe.mpg.de


January 12-13,

Host: Prof. Amiel Sternberg
School of Physics and Astronomy

Phone: +972-3-6407590
Email: amiel@tauex.tau.ac.il

Prof. Joshua Trachtenberg

Neuroscience Research
Los Angeles, California, USA

Phone: +1 (310) 825-0873
Email: joshua.trachtenberg@gmail.com

March 13 -
June 13,

Host: Prof. Pablo Blinder 
Department of Neurobiology

Phone: +972-3-6409640
Email: pb@tauex.tau.ac.il

Prof. Dr. Michael Waidner

Dept. of Computer Science,
TU Darmstadt;
Director, Fraunhofer SIT, Darmstadt; CEO, National Research Center for Applied Cybersecurity, ATHENE, Darmstadt and Frankfurt, Germany

Phone: +49 6151 869-250
Email: michael.waidner@tu-darmstadt.de

March 24 -
June 24,

Host: Prof. Anat Bremler-Barr School of Computer Science 

Phone: +972-73-380-4215
Email: anatbr@tauex.tau.ac.il

Prof. Dr. Haya Schulmann

Inst. of Computer Science
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main; Member of the Board, National Research Center for Applied Cybersecurity, ATHENE
Darmstadt and Frankfurt, Germany

Phone: +49 69 798-23777
Email: schulmann@em.uni-frankfurt.de

March 24 -
June 24,

Host: Prof. Anat Bremler-Barr School of Computer Science 

Phone: +972-73-380-4215
Email: anatbr@tauex.tau.ac.il

Prof. Astrid von Busekist

Professor of Political Theory
Sciences Po
Paris, France 

Phone: +33 1 45497203
Email: astrid.vonbusekist@sciencespo.fr

April 14 -
June 2,

Host: Prof. Itai Sened
Faculty of Social Sciences

Phone: +972-3-6407335 
Email: sened@tauex.tau.ac.il

Prof. Alberto Melloni

Scuola di Bologna
University of Bologna
Bologna, Italy
Phone: +39 051 239532
Email: a.melloni@unibo.it

Professor of the History of Christianity
University of Modena-Reggio Emilia
Modena, Italy

Unesco Chair
Religious Pluralism and Peace

May 7-16, 2025

Host: Prof. Tamar Herzig
Department of History

Phone: +972-3-6409785
Email: therzig@tauex.tau.ac.il

Prof. Dvira Segal

Department of Chemistry
University of Toronto,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Phone: +1 (416) 946 0559
Email: dvira.segal@utoronto.ca

May 10-31,

Host: Dr. Barak Hirshberg
School of Chemistry

Phone: +972-3-6404460
Email: hirshb@tauex.tau.ac.il

Prof. Helena F. Florindo

Department of Pharmacy, Pharmacology
and Health technologies
Faculty of Pharmacy
University of Lisbon
Lisbon, Portugal

Phone: +351 217946400 
Email: hflorindo@ff.ulisboa.pt

May 12-29,

Host: Prof. Ronit Satchi-Fainaro
Faculty of Medicine
Sagol School of Neuroscience

Phone: +972-3-6407427
Email: ronitsf@tauex.tau.ac.il

Prof. John J. Wiens

Department of Ecology and
Evolutionary Biology
University of Arizona, Tuscon, Arizona, USA

Office Phone: +1 520 621-0337
Lab Phone: +1 520 621-9765
Email: wiensj@email.arizona.edu

May 15 - June 15,

Host: Prof. Shai Meiri
School of Zoology

Email: uncshai@tauex.tau.ac.il
Phone: +972-3-6409811

Prof. Alex Evilevitch

Department of Experimental Medical Science
Faculty of Medicine
Lund University
Lund, Sweden

Phone: +46 462220947
Email: alex.evilevitch@med.lu.se

June 3 -
July 2,

Host: Dr. Ayelet Lesman
School of Mechanical Engineering

Phone: +972-3-6408233

Prof. Milette Gaifman

Chair, Department History of Art
Department of Classics
Yale University
New Haven, Connecticut, USA

Phone: +1 (203) 432-2687
Email: milette.gaifman@yale.edu

Academic Year 2024/2025

Host: Prof. Uri Yiftach 
Head, Department of Classics

Phone: +972-3-6409779
Email: uiftach@tauex.tau.ac.il

Prof. Yan Fyodorov

Chair in Disordered Systems
Mathematics Department
King's College London
London, UK

Phone: +44 020 7848 5894
Email:  yan.fyodorov@kcl.ac.uk

Academic Year 2024/2025

Host: Prof. Ron Peled
Department of Theoretical Mathematics

Phone: +972-3-6408034
Email: peledron@tauex.tau.ac.il

Prof. Olga Sorkine-Hornung

Full Professor of Computer Science
Head, the Interactive Geometry Lab
Institute for Visual Computing
Department of Computer Science
ETH Zurich, Switzerland 

Phone: +41 44 632 83 57
Email: sorkine@inf.ethz.ch

Spring Semester
Academic Year 2024/2025

Host: Prof. Raja Giryes
School of Electrical Engineering

Email: raja@tauex.tau.ac.il
Phone: +972-3-6405630

Prof. Gordon N. Hutner

Department of English
University of Illinois
Urbana, Illinois, USA

Phone: +1 (217) 244-3398
Email: hutner@illinois.edu

Spring Semester
One week 
Academic Year 2024/2025

Host: Prof. Spencer Morrison
English and American Studies

Email: spencer@tauex.tau.ac.il

Prof. Janet Walker

Professor of Film and Media Studies
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA, USA

Email:  jwalker@filmandmedia.ucsb.edu

One month 
Academic Year 2024/2025

Host: Prof. Yaron Bloch
The Steve Tisch School of Film and

Phone: 972-3-6406848
Email: yaronb@tauex.tau.ac.il

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