About IAS Distinguished Scholars

Visitors for the Academic Year 2023/2024

Name Institution Period of Visit Host

Prof. Benny Sudakov

Department of Mathematics
ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland 

Phone: +41 44 632 4028.
Email: benjamin.sudakov@math.ethz.ch

December 25, 2023  -
January 11, 2024
Prof. Michael Krivelevich
Baumritter Chair in Combinatorics
School of Mathematical Sciences
Phone: +972-3-640-5366
Email: krivelev@tauex.tau.ac.il

Prof. Michele Gelfand

Distinguished University Professor 
Department of Psychology
The University of Maryland,
College Park, Maryland, USA

Email: mgelfand@umd.edu

Academic Year 2023/2024 Prof. Peter Bamberger
Department of Organizational Behavior
Phone +972-3 -6408511

Email: peterb@post.tau.ac.il

Prof. Jean-François Joanny

Professeur Statutaire
Soft-matter and Biophysics
Collège de France, Paris, France

Phone: +33 1 44 27 15 43

Academic Year 2023/2024 Prof. Haim Diamant
School of Chemistry
Phone: +972-3-6406967
Email: hdiamant@tauex.tau.ac.il

Prof. Andrea Massa

Department of Civil, Environmental
and Mechanical Engineering
University of Trento, Trento, Italy 

Phone: +39 0461 282057
Email: andrea.massa@unitn.it

Two weeks
Academic Year 2023/2024
Prof. Amir Boag
School of Electrical Engineering
Phone: +972-3-6408246
Email: boag@tauex.tau.ac.il

Prof. Herman Aguinis

Vice President & Program Chair - Academy of Management
Avram Tucker Distinguished Scholar
Chairperson, Department of Management
The George Washington University School of Business
Washington DC, USA Washington, D.C., USA

Email: haguinis@gwu.edu

One week
Spring 2024

Dr. Uriel Stettner
Academic Director, Coller School of Management
Phone: +972-3- 640-6330
Email: urielste@tauex.tau.ac.il

Prof. Mitsuo Kawato

Brain Information Communication Research 
Laboratory Group
Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR)
Kyoto, Japan


One week
Academic Year 2023/2024

Prof. Talma Hendler
School of psychological science
Sagol School of neuroscience
Phone: +972-3-6973953

Email: tlvcbf@gmail.com

Prof. Paul North

Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures
Yale University
New Haven, Connecticut, USA

Email: paul.a.north@yale.edu

Three weeks
Academic Year 2023/2024

Prof. Galili Shahar
Head, School of Cultural Science
Phone: +972-3-6409325

Email: gshahar@tauex.tau.ac.il

Prof. Pedro Vieira

The Clay Riddell Paul Dirac Chair in Theoretical Physics
Perimeter Institute for  Theoretical Physics 
Perimeter Research Chair,
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Email: pvieira@perimeterinstitute.ca

Four-Six weeks
Academic Year 2023/2024
Dr. Amit Sever
School of Physics and Astronomy
Phone: +972-3- 6408579 
Email: asever@tauex.tau.ac.il
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