Colloquium: "Superlubricity: Toward design of zero-friction and zero-wear materials"


Professor Diana Berman
Department of Materials Science and Engineering 
University of North Texas
Denton, Texas, USA


16 May 2024, 15:00 
Holcblat Hall (007), Shenkar Physics Building  

Professor Diana Berman is ​2023/2024 Fulbright-TAU Senior Scholar of the Mortimer and Raymond Sackler Institute of Advanced Studies.




Friction and wear-related failures remain the greatest problems in today’s moving mechanical components, from microelectromechanical devices to automotive assemblies and to biological systems. The critical need to reduce and eliminate the tribological failures constitutes the necessity for continuous search of novel materials and lubrication solutions. In this presentation, we overview recent advances in establishing the fundamental understanding of materials interactions at sliding interfaces and use this knowledge as a guide to developing nanomaterials solutions that enhance reliability and efficiency of tribological systems. We evaluate tribological performance of nanostructured materials, including combinations of various 2D materials, and demonstrate realization of superlubricity regime at macroscale. To extend the lifetime of the tribological materials, we demonstrate tribochemically-driven self-replenishment of materials inside the contact interfaces, thus enabling a zero-wear sliding regime. 


Overall, the findings have not only allowed us to solve some long-standing puzzles, but could also open a new avenue for the development of new concepts and design strategies for next generation of tribologically efficient materials systems.


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