Lecture: "Cryptography from the hardness of Olmogorov complexity"

Professor Rafael Pass, Department of Computer Science,
Cornell University and Cornell Tech, New York, USA 

07 November 2021, 11:10 

Professor Rafael Pass is ​2021/2022 IAS Distinguished Scholars of the Mortimer and Raymond Sackler Institute of Advanced Studies.



Whether one-way functions (OWFs) exist is the most important outstanding problem in Cryptography. We will survey a recent thread of work (Liu-Pass, FOCS'20, Liu-Pass, STOC'21, Liu-Pass, Crypto'21) showing the equivalence of the existence of OWFs and (mild) average-case hardness of various problems related to time-bounded Kolmogorov complexity that date back to the 1960s.
These results yield the first natural, and well-studied, computational problems characterizing the feasibility of the central private-key primitives and protocols in Cryptography.
Based on joint works with Yanyi Liu.

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