Prof. François Englert is Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics

Past Sackler Visiting Scholar and Institute Member, Prof. François Englert, is 2013 Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics

Prof. François Englert receiving his Nobel Prize from his Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden at the Stockholm Concert Hall, 10 December 2013. Credit: Nobel Media AD 2013.

Prof. Michael Elowitz, Sackler Scholar 2015/2016, is 2019 Laureate of The Raymond and Beverly Sackler International Prize in Biophysics. Prof. Elowitz is Professor of Biology and Bioengineering at Caltech, Investigator in the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Executive Officer for Biological Engineering. He pioneered the field of Synthetic Biology by designing and building the repressilator, a synthetic genetic oscillator composed of repressor genes. His work demonstrated that a mathematical understanding of biological circuits enables the deliberate design of new complex dynamical behaviors in cells. A second field Prof. Elowitz has pioneered is the study of ‘noise’ or stochastic fluctuations within cells. This work established unambiguously that variations in protein levels could arise from underlying stochastic fluctuations in the process of gene expression, due in part to low molecular concentrations within the cell. He later demonstrated the important functional roles these fluctuations play in enabling specific cellular behaviors. Noise is now recognized as a pervasive physical principle of biological circuits in virtually every context from bacteria to mammalian cells. 

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