Yuval Ne'eman Distinguished Lectures in Geophysics, Atmosphere and Space Sciences Endowed by Raymond and Beverly Sackler

Professor Eyal Heifetz is the coordinator of the Distinguished Lectures in Geophysics, Atmospheric and Space Sciences Endowed by Raymond & Beverly Sackler


Name Institution Period of Visit Host
Academic Year 2019/2020 Lecturers:

Prof. Paul Segall 

Department of Geophysics, Stanford University,
Stanford, California 
Email: segall@stanford.edu

April 15-25,


Prof. Shmulik Marco
Department of Geophysics
Porter School of the Environment and Earth Science
Tel:972-3- 6405689

Email: shmulikm@tau.ac.il

Academic Year 2018/2019 Lecturers:

Prof. Richard Salmon

Professor Emeritus
The Scripps Institution of Oceanography
of the University of California, San Diego, USA

Email: rsalmon@ucsd.edu

March 22 - April 3, 

Prof. Eyal Heifetz
Department of Geophysics
Porter School of the Environment and Earth Science

Phone: 972-3-6408398
Email:  eyalh@post.tau.ac.il

Academic Year 2017/2018 Lecturers:

Prof. Jun-Ichi Yano

Leora Batnitzky

Directeur de Recherche CNRM, Météo-France

Email: j.yano@reading.ac.uk

November 11-23, 2017

Prof. Shimon Krichak,
School of Geosciences

Phone: +972-3-640-5086

Prof. Nader Haghighipour

Chi-Wang Shu

Institute for Astronomy,
University of Hawaii-Manoa
Honolulu, Hawaii

Phone: +1 (808) 956-6098
Email: naderh@hawaii.edu


April 8-222018

Prof. Morris Podolak,
Department of Geophysics
Porter School of the Environment and Earth Science

Phone: +972-3-640-8620
Email: morris@post.tau.ac.il

Academic Year 2016/2017 Lecturers:
Prof. Jonathan F. Fortney
Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, CA, U.S.A.

Prof. Morris Podolak,
Department of Geophysics
Porter School of the Environment and Earth Science

Phone: +972-3-640-8620
​Email: morris@post.tau.ac.il


Prof. Jean-François Ritz 

Director de Recherche CNRS
Géosciences Montpellier
Université de Montpellier

Phone : +33 (4) 67 14 39 07
Email: jean-francois.Ritz@gm.univ-montp2.fr

April 1-8,

Prof. Shmulik Marko
Head, School of Geoscience
Professor of Planetary Sciences Dept. of Geosciences

Phone: +972-3-640-5689
Email: shmulikm@tau.ac.il

Academic Year 2015/2016 Lecturers:

Prof. R. Giles Harrison

Department of Meteorology, University of Reading
Reading, Berks, UK

Phone: +44 (118) 378 8950
Email: r.g.harrison@reading.ac.uk

November 23 - December 4,

Prof. Colin Price
Department of Geosciences

Phone: +972-3-640-6029  Email: cprice@flash.tau.ac.il

Prof. Yochanan Kushnir

Lamont Research Professor
Lamont-Doherty Earth          Observatory
Columbia University
Palisades, NY, USA

Phone: +1 (845) 365-8669
Email: kushnir@ldeo.columbia.edu

December 17- 30,

Prof. Pinhas Alpert
Department of Geosciences

Phone: +972-3-640-7380  Email: pinhas@post.tau.ac.il

Academic Year 2014/2015 Lecturers:

Prof. Dimitar Sasselov


Perkin Lab, P-336
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
60 Garden Street, MS-16
Cambridge, MA 02138 USA

Phone: +1 (617) 495-7451

November 18-26,     2014

Prof. Morris Podolak
Department of Geophysics
Porter School of the Environment and Earth Science

Phone: +972-3- 640-6359
Email: morris@post.tau.ac.il

Prof. Adam Sobel

Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics,
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences,
Lamont- Doherty Earth Observatory
Columbia University,
New-York, USA

Phone: +1 (212) 854-6587
Email: ahs129@columbia.edu

December 21,
2014 -January 9, 2015

Prof. Nili Harnik
Department of Geosciences

Phone: +972-3- 640-6359
Email: harnik@tauex.tau.ac.il

Prof. Jen-Ping Chen

Department of Atmospheric Sciences
and the International Degree Program in Climate Change and Sustainable Development
National Taiwan University
Taipei, Taiwan

Email: jpchen@as.ntu.edu.tw

January 5-15,

Prof. Zev Levin
Department of Geosciences

Phone: +972-3-640-8274
Email: zevlev@post.tau.ac.il

Academic Year 2013/2014 Lecturers:

Prof.Richard Allen

Director, Berkeley Seismology Lab 
Class of 1954 Professor
Dept. of Earth & Planetary Science
UC Berkeley, CA, USA

Email: rallen@berkeley.edu

March 30 - April 5,

Prof. Alon Ziv
Department of Geophysics

Phone: +972-3-640-8302

Academic Year 2012/2013 Lecturers:

Prof. Drew Shindell

Nicholas Distinguished Professor of Earth Science
Nicholas School of the Environment
Duke University, Durham, NC, USA

Phone: +1 (919) 681-8467
Email: drew.shindell@duke.edu

December 11-20,

Prof. Colin Price
Department of Geophysics

Phone: +972-3-640-5714
Email: cprice@flash.tau.ac.il

Academic Year 2011/2012 Lecturers:

Prof. Raul Madariaga

Laboratoire de Geologie 
Ecole Normale Superieure 
​Paris, France

Phone: + 33 (1) 44 32 22 16
Email: madariag@geologie.ens.fr

March 12,

Prof. Shmulik Marko
Professor of Planetary Department of Geophysics

Phone: +972-3-640-5689
Email: shmulikm@tau.ac.il


Prof. William I. Newman

Department of Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences

Phone: + 1 (310) 825-3880
Email: win@ucla.edu

April 16-29,


Prof. Morris Podolak
Department of Geophysics
Porter School of the Environment and Earth Science

Phone: +972-3- 640-6359
Email: morris@post.tau.ac.il


Dr. Roy Rasmussen

Senior Scientist Section Head
NCAR Research Applications Laboratory 
Boulder, CO, USA                                      

Phone: + 1 (303) 497-8430
Email: rasmus@ucar.edu

May 18-23,

Prof. Zev Levin
Department of Geosciences

Phone: +972-3-640-8274
Email: zevlev@post.tau.ac.il

Academic Year 2010/2011 Lecturers:

Prof. Johannes (Jos) Lelieveld

Director of the Atmospheric Chemistry Department
Managing Director of the MPI for Chemistry
Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (MPI), Mainz, Germany

Phone: +49 6131 305 4000
Email: bettina.krueger@mpic.de

November 8-19,

Prof. Zev Levin
Department of Geosciences

Phone: +972-3-640-8274
Email: zevlev@post.tau.ac.il

Prof. Theodore Shepherd

Grantham Professor of Climate Science
University of Reading, UK

Phone: +44 0118 378 8957

April 25 -
May 6,


Prof. Nili Harnik
Department of Geosciences

Phone: +972-3- 640-6359
​Email: harnik@tauex.tau.ac.il


Academic Year 2009/2010 Lecturers:

Dr. Alan Boss

Staff Scientist
Earth & Planets Laboratory
Carnegie Institution for Science, Washington, DC, USA

Phone: +1 (202) 478-8858

May 7-17,

Prof. Zev Levin
Department of Geosciences

Phone: +972-3-640-8274
Email: zevlev@post.tau.ac.il

Academic Year 2008/2009 Lecturers:

Dr. Leonard Barrie

Professor emeritus for Climate and Atmospheric Science
Faculty of Science
Stockholm University, Sweden

Email: leonard.barrie@geo.su.se

February 28 -March 14,

Prof. Zev Levin
Department of Geosciences

Phone: +972-3-640-8274
Email: zevlev@post.tau.ac.il

Dr. Paul Weissman

Senior Scientist Emeritus
Planetary Science Institute
Tucson, AZ, USA

Email: pweissman@psi.edu

April 19 -
May 2,


Prof. Dina Prialnik
Department of Geosciences

Phone: +972-3-640-6051
Email: dina@planet.tau.ac.il

Academic Year 2007/2008 Lecturers:

Prof. David Dritschel

Professor of Applied Mathematics
School of Mathematics and
North Haugh, St Andrews, UK

Phone: +44 01334 463721
Email: david.dritschel@st-andrews.ac.uk

March 30 -
April 12,


Prof. Eyal Heifetz
Department of Geophysics
Porter School of the Environment and Earth Science

Phone: +972-3-6408398
Email:  eyalh@post.tau.ac.il

Prof. Umran Inan

Professor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey
Phone: +90 212 338 12 13/15
Email: president@ku.edu.tr


Professor Emeritus, Electrical Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering - STAR Laboratory
Stanford University, CA, USA
Email: http://inan@stanford.edu

April 26 -
May 3,


Prof. Zev Levin
Department of Geosciences

Phone: +972-3-640-8274
Email: zevlev@post.tau.ac.il

Academic Year 2006/2007 Lecturers:

Prof. Joseph Egger

Professor Emeritus of Theoretical Meteorology
​Meteorological Institute
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU), Germany

Phone: +49 089 2180 4572
Email: J.Egger@lrz.uni-muenchen.de

October 22 - November 1, 2006

Prof. Zev Levin
Department of Geosciences

Phone: +972-3-640-8274
Email: zevlev@post.tau.ac.il

Prof. Brant Foote

Associate Director 
National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado, USA


January 20 - February 1, 2007

Prof. Zev Levin
Department of Geosciences

Phone: +972-3-640-8274
Email: zevlev@post.tau.ac.il

Prof. William Cotton

Professor Emeritus
Atmospheric Science Department
Colorado State University, CO, USA


April 13-20, 2007

Prof. Zev Levin
Department of Geosciences

Phone: +972-3-640-8274
Email: zevlev@post.tau.ac.il

Academic Year 2004/2005 Lecturers:

Prof. Peter Bodenheimer

Professor Emeritus of Astronomy & Astrophysics
Astronomy & Astrophysics Department
University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, USA

Phone: +1 (831) 459-2064
Email:  pbodenhe@ucsc.edu

March 28 - April 4,

Prof. Dina Prialnik
Department of Geosciences

Phone: +972-3-640-6051
Email: dina@planet.tau.ac.il

Prof. Huw Davies

Professor Emeritus Atmospheric Dynamics  
Former Head, Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science
Former Head, Department of Environmental Sciences
ETH Zurich University, Zürich, Switzerland

Phone: +41 44 633 35 06
Email:  huw.davies@env.ethz.ch

April 10-20, 2005

Prof. Dina Prialnik
Department of Geosciences

Phone: +972-3-640-6051
Email: dina@planet.tau.ac.il

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