About IAS Outstanding Junior Fellows


Visitors for the Academic Year 2024/2025


Name Institution Period of Visit Host

Prof. Giulia Giordano


Department of Industrial Engineering
University of Trento
Povo, Italy

Phone: +39 0461 282539


One week
November 2024


Host: Prof. Michael Margaliot
School of Electrical Engineering

Phone: +972-3-6407768
Email: michaelm@tauex.tau.ac.il

Prof. Rachel Greenfeld

Department of Mathematics
Northwestern University
Evanston, Illinois, USA

Email: rgreenfeld@northwestern.com

One week and a half
December 2024

Host: Prof. Lior Bary-Soroker
Chair, The Department of Pure Mathematics

Phone: +972-3-640-5362
Email: barylior@post.tau.ac.il

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